“DH are the most mobile!” is a meme

Unhindered, this may be accurate.

In reality, it’s a meme.

It’s just absurd how easy it is for a feral/balance Druid to just kite me around corners rooting me, cycloning, disorienting, etc to reset to full HP and then kill me because I had 30% HP trying to stay on him with no means of returning my HP.
Windwalker monks are arguably just as mobile and have a baseline slow, so I have no means of actually catching him and he can spam an energy based heal to recovery fully whenever he feels like resetting.
Elemental shamans can do the same.
Hell, any hybrid class can utterly do as they please. Why remove our defensives / leech ad reduce us to trash in PvP? Are Havoc DHs there with Demonology Warlocks? Do you just not want us playing it?


try to explain that to people =(…


This is considered ‘true’ in pve situations generally as we have fel rush, vengeful retreat, meta, and even glide as havoc, and infernal strike and glide as vengeance.

The main thing people are referring to is ‘glide’ (when we’re unhindered) and infernal strike.

Due to these, vengeance DH were a top-pick for tanks because they could ‘run away’ from mobs in mythics better than other tanks.

In a pvp situation, no, we’re still laughable atm. If anyone has any kind of snare/root they use it, and literally run away from us while we limp after them… it’s kind of funny sometimes. You know? Like ‘here kitty kitty, no, NO NOT THE FACE KITTY ARRRGHGHHGHGHG!!!’ Hehe xD

But really, that’s what they’re likely talking about


Throw Glaive just needs to have a baseline Slow/snare as Havoc.

Talenting into is just not an option considering it’s in the same row as our stun.


I was attracted to DH this expansion for multiple reasons, Ive been gone for almost 10 years and it is something new for starts, But as you stated, I was attracted to the mobility offered. The speed. the ability to ignore environmental road blocks, and to hopefully be able to track down and finish off fleeing enemies in pvp.

And to your point OP, It is a meme. All of it. The fastest not fast class in the game.

Every class in the game will cripple you with slow effects preventing you from ever touching them while you have almost no way at all to disable or slow down enemy movement. A more fitting title would be " fastest moving non combatant "
and thats just havoc. Vengeance has an entirely other mobility issue.

Yes vengeance can get around pretty good but the allure here is to be able to avoid environmental factors that could prevent you from moving freely.
Such as scaling hills that you could otherwise not walk up, Interact with buildings and other structures to use as anchor points to glide off of. But this only works in theory as the vast majority of all content was not designed with this mechanic in mind and can not be utilized with inferno strike.

Flat surfaces that should act as a clickable target location for inferno strike are not targetable. This is especially noticeable in older content but even new content is busted in this aspect and battle grounds and arena make the skill useless in this regard completely as nothing but a flat eye level surface of the ground infront of you can be targetted, No scaling hills, No hoping on buildings. Nothing.

You can say well that would give VDH a broken advantage in pvp. how so? They do no damage at all. cant even kill other tanks, They have almost no pvp relevant survivability so they are not effective tanks like druid or paladin in pvp, They have no slow and very limited disable so they are constantly out flanked and out ran. and they have ABSOLUTLY NO SLOWS! None. zero. Everyone will lock you down and there is nothing you can do about it.

And don’t get me started on trying to glide while with flag. Reduced to walk speed. slower than even normal run speed without a buff. Useless, It hinders you to even try to glide in the open much less off a hill or anything.

It is all a meme. The DH is the most useless class in the game right now for pvp and only useful as an offtank in raid. Nerfed into oblivion because of a bunch of cry babies I would assume.

I would have loved to seen the Demon hunter back in legion when it was actually good. I came in at the end of S4 BFA so i did not get to experience them before they became reduced to a meme. Feels bad.


In PvP, yea they’re mobility is very overrated and they’re easily kited out and or CCd.

Not true. Vengeance is ideal for main tanking raids with their large health pools, avoidance, mobility, and overall ease of use. Havoc is where all the complaints are currently coming in and rightly so, it is actually a fairly useless class bringing virtually nothing to the table.


Druids are the absolute worse.
Can barely target them sometimes, no one cares.

It’s because they all have wing envy.
So they target us, and cry NERF THEM even if only like 1% of total DH were ever top chart anyway and we depend 10000% on top notch gear)


Ideal for main tanking? You are nothing more than a giant squish sack of hit points ready to pop at any moment with nothing more than a cheat death to keep you in the fight and its on an 8 minute cooldown. VDH has the worst mitigation of all tanks in the game. It use to be able to heal steadily and readily but it can’t even do that now so you are 100% at the mercy of a healer. End of story. Utter garbage. Its like playing Havoc only with double the hit points and almost identical dps (yea feels bad for Havoc)

Yes mobility in M+ is great and so you will always have a home. But in Raid you are a glorified offtank. And if you are main tank, Your healers manna pool is doing all the tanking. Yea you can take a 60k dmg hit from a boss and shrug it off as long as you got a good healer or a few soul fragments laying around. But if that next blow lands before the healer gets on your nuts, Your dead. End of story. NO mitigation other than firey brand and thats at best a 40 sec cd with conduit and specific legendary.

Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy VDH very much. crapping on world quest with extreme speed and efficiency is fun and rewarding in its own right. I can do all kinds of solo content faster and much less undergeared than most other classes. I can also easily get to world chest and other hidden or troublesome rewards to obtain using my mobility, And yes I can jump into just about any pve or pvp content without much hassle, But I will always just be a jack of all trades and a master of none. I will always be a bad version of all 3 rolls piled into 1 and labeled a tank. Low tier healer, Low tier dps, and low tier tank all combined into 1 to make VDH.

I am not trying to put VDH down. It is a strange spec yet effective consider how it is built. Paladins have bubble and direct heals ontop of all kinds of mitigation. All i have to compensate for that is about 15k more HP. That is NOT apples for apples in any way. A paladin can heal itself to full health all on its own with holy power. There is absolute no way possible for a VDH to even come close to healing itself because of the nerf to soul fragments and the SL prepatch rape of soul cleave. Long gone are the days of VDH being able to heal themselves and maintain. Our heal was our mitigation. Now we don’t even have that because it made the PVP soy boys cry. You don’t see paladin, druid, or monk having that issue in any way. all 3 can full heal themselves at will.

You literally have 40% damage reduction on a lets call it a ~30 second CD with Fiery Soul. You have a big defensive CD for literally every time you need it. Between Fel Devastation and Fiery Brand you’re never without a big defensive when you need it. Demon Spike ain’t great but it gets the job done for that in between damage. There’s also some pretty good options for defensive trinkets.

It is though. Health pools matter greatly in progression.

Just looking at your armory… 235 neck? I don’t think you’ve witnessed how much Fiery Soul improves DH survivability. It makes it a non issue and it’s almost entirely your healers fault if you die honestly.

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I have 3 legendaries. firey soul being 1 of them. I use darkness flame for pvp content and solo farming.

I honestly have a much easier time sticking to people on my DK than my DH, which seems kind of backwards, but it’s what it is.


all classes are easy and each have a different play style, this is not the place to talk about what class is easy or hard, monks are very mobile as well. chasing a healer monk… pff…

My uptime for mage rogue is about 5-10% if I’m lucky… playing against a Druid I’ve been cc’d 70times in one arena match before this season

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I remember doing 2s with my irl friend from back home. He’s what he said for verbatim, “Demon Hunters are so strong.” We were doing 2s for the weekly quest, I’ve been playing my Paladin for this expansion and only leveled my DH when I’m bored, and he plays a Sub Rogue…

DH are the most mobile in PvE when momentum isn’t meta.

If momentum is meta then DH have the mobility of a DK and in PvP everything just root/slow you into uselessness.

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I miss when blur gave movement speed
throw glaive needs that snare effect baseline for sure.
they need to redesign darkness imo nobody stands in place…


We’re literally the only melee dps class in the game without a baseline slow and root removal (other than remove magic).

Even worst the only with no self heals. The passive from leach combine with the damage we do, you don’t get a ho bar back like paladins or shamans. Not a 30%like warriors, dk, hunters

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No def heals, no root dispel, worst defensives in the game - darkness is rng trash

Blur being a 20% wall is what tilts the most. Pre blurring a go feels like it does absolutely nothing most of the time since it relies on the dodge component to make up for the DR being relatively weak. So if you’re storm bolted or kidneyed during it you’ll still have to trinket dark or nether wall most of the time.