Warrior/Druid for best tank. Pally is muuuch better than it is in Vanilla but jot on par with the other 2. Seriously, everyone agrees even at worst Druids hold middle ground for every spec. No meed to reroll, just respec
Standard set up:
Group 1 - Main Tank Group
Prot Warrior
Resto Druid (tree of life buff)
Enh Shaman (swap to melee group for second bloodlust due to no Sated debuff)
Group 2 - Melee DPS
Feral Druid (Leader of the pack. Tanking)
Enh Sham (Imp WF, Unleashes Rage, Bloodlust)
Arms Warr (Shouts, Blood Frenzy…33/28 spec weaving slam)
Rogue or Fury War
Rogue or Fury Warr
Group 3 - Range DPS
Spriest (mana battery = less life taps)
Resto Sham (Wrath of Air, Bloodlust)
Group 4 - Healers
Spriest (mana battery)
Resto Sham
Resto Sham
Holy Priest
Holy Priest
Group 5 - Misc
Spriest (mana battery)
Prot Pally (3rd tank, blessings)
Resto Sham (moar Bloodlust)
Holy Pally (Tank healer, 2nd blessing)
Mage (water? portals? sheep trash? whatever…you needed one for High King and Illidari Council to resistance tank a caster)
I don’t know where you got this from but…no just no. so much wrong.
I’ll go druid. Played feral/hybrid in vanilla because I didn’t want to raid heal. Was fun for open world pvp and bgs. But for raiding, it was limited to tagging along with guilds I pvpd with after they had stuff on farm.
TBC changed the game. I was basically a main tank for the top progression guild of my server. Cat and bear got tons of needed abilities for pvp and pve. I quit playing after, but can’t see how it got any better for the feral/hybrid build.
Depends what patch.
Sword rogue = good dps
Sub rogue = PvP
Paladin = god mode in PvP one shot ppl in early patches.
For me its SHAMMIE all the way. Best funniest for me in TBC. Therefore it is best. Not a single major thing I disliked about SHAMMIE and it gave me 3 plus different roles to play Doing the FOTM will make you dislike the class and game in the long run.
I will add Shammie is what makes me enjoy 11 out of 10 TBC more than any online game I ever enjoyed
Shaman are pretty fun. Leveling as enhance is great. And drenei /waggle ftw
I thoroughly enjoyed ret paladin. If we get another shot at TBC, I’ll probably have a ret pally and a feral druid. Not entirly sure which would have priority at this point.
From what I remember, no one really used pally tanks outside of fights that needed aoe threat, but I can see that meta changing on a TBC classic server. Warriors were still traditionally the main tanks but druids were commonly used as off tanks.
I think healers were relatively balanced with each class having strengths and weaknesses. Priests could do everything well but wasn’t always the best at one thing. The other three had specialties they excelled at.
Dps wise, hybrids had a lot dps viability, but had large diminishing returns after one, especially with only 25 spots in the raid. Generally most guilds had a shadow priest for the warlocks, and wasn’t uncommon to see an enhancement shaman and feral druid. Boomkin and elemental shaman were rarer, but a lot more viable than classic. DPS warriors were still strong but not nearly as OP as Vanilla.
For pure DPS classes, this is my recollection in Sunwell, the last raid.
Rogue - S tier. Usually highest melee DPS and often top DPS. Had access to warglaives legendary.
Warlock - S tier. Super powerful ranged dps with a lot of utility. Guilds stacked locks with shadow priest for crazy dps. Muru was the DPS check in Sunwell, and locks were essential to progression raiding comps.
Hunters - A tier. Very strong DPS and had access to legendary, which let them beat warlocks sometimes, but that dropped at end of Sunwell after raid beaten.
Mage - B tier. Not horrible, but inferior to warlock in almost every way. Warlocks got threat dump and seed of corruption, which negated their weaknesses from Vanilla (high threat and mediocre aoe compared to mages). On top of that locks had infinite sustainability as long as healers had mana. Also affliction warlocks were very powerful in kara since it scales well with spell power and there is OP tailoring pieces you can craft before you start raid. Shadow bolt spec became superior later with gear from T5/T6.
TLDR Rogue was best melee DPS, warlock best ranged DPS. Warriors best tank but druid good, and Paladins more niche. All healers were good, but priest has more options for healing roles and flexibility. Other healers were more specialized.
Add dps. Didn’t heal much at all in BC, but I was tank/dps and LOVED it!
Abso friggin lutely. Getting that 2h mace in Zangar rep was one of the greatest feelings ever for my tank spec.
Really wish we knew then what we know now! Feral tanks are viable on most every fight in MC/Onyxia and only start having drawbacks in T2 and beyond. And even then still amazing off tanks. Feral dps can actually do decent. And in most guilds that’s a 7-15 ranking on a fight dps wise. Not bad. That isn’t saying to bring 10 ferals, but one is fine and will even buff your melee and bring utility.
BC was when we finally got the tools to go beyond being just an OT alone. Yes, Kael and Illidan were warrior/pally fights (I tanked Kael to a kill after warrior tank died one night) but still so many fights worked with any of the three tanks. I’d give an arm and a leg to have BC feral in Vanilla. We’d have that step up to be concerned decent enough tanks and more. Oh well, I’m still loving Classic and feral in Classic!
I completely skipped it. Partially out of being a noob druid in my first ever raid guild. And because I got into a guild full clearing everything, but Mag in T4. We went into SSC and the staff there dropped so I didn’t look into the Zangar. rep until later. Then I felt silly, but my GM was a feral so I got away with a lot.
shamans are super heals, super utility, and if u go elemental---- you are super dps due to biased spell batching for shamana
if bc is released, it is more than 1 year away.
so you have some long term planning for that alt.
Shaman was changed during TBC and had many abilities nerfed outright. Paladin on the other hand was buffed during TBC with Horde paladins being the best.
Can anyone say which healers are typically most in demand? I’ve always played alliance holy paladin and now I’m leveling a horde resto shaman. These are the most in demand for Vanilla due to buffs but I’m not sure about TBC.
Shaman is best in tbc by a large margin amongst the healers. Resto druids and holy/disc priests are about on equal footing, and holy paladin is the least powerful healer in tbc, but still very powerful.
Shaman would be S+, druids S, priests S-, and holy paladins are A+
Are holy paladins in demand for their buffs, or less so because prot/ret becomes viable?
Seems like shaman is going to be by far the most in demand for raids from reading the thread. What about 2nd for healers?
Also, what makes druids better in TBC than vanilla? In vanilla they kinda suck because their heals are so slow.
they might do fresh servers for tbc if it happens at all
wouldnt worry about this now