Yes, that’s why I said debatable
Fair point
The cave in the floating island where you had to grind netherwing rep was a pvp frickin warzone.
Yes it was. Good times
Stealth, insta hots, Root, cyclone all with any spec!
I forget… could you use escape artist on the cyclone? I think… no? I think it basically functioned like warlock’s banish but vs. humanoids.
I only arena’d casually though so idk iirc.
Arena junkies ms paint forum was the best
Ele sham was very good in TBC, great DPS and big buffs to caster groups.
We prob weren’t the most amazing raiding guild, but I used to top DPS for most fights as Ele. From Kara to BT.
Druid: Probably the best PvP healer. Lifebloom+Cyclone+55% travel form+ resilience made them incredibly elusive and very powerful. In arenas they usually got feral charge as well so you had a massive toolkit of interrupt/cyclone/heal/run/drink
Priest: Extremely powerful healer as well. Disc priest was the best in PvP, sturdy as hell. Holy was great in PvE as well
Shaman: Not as good in PvP, but had a few comps that worked well (i.e War/Sham for WF). Incredible PvE healer though, every raid wanted at least one shaman per group (so 5 for a 25man raid)
Paladin: don’t remember much about them healing sadly
Warrior: Still the best tbh, go to tank
Druid: Pretty much on par with Warriors, massive HP pool, amazing threat, and they gained some abilities they were sorely lacking
Paladins: Finally got a rework, they are viable tanks (but not quite as good as feral druid and warrior). Excel in AOE tanking
Shaman: Enh is in huge demand due to buffs, and raids might bring 1 Ele for totem of wrath. Both workable specs and do decent dps.
Paladin: HORDEside dps is decent because of Seal of Blood allowing paladins to “life tap” when healed, sadly ret is terrible alliance side.
Priest: Shadow is the mana battery of the raid. You brought them along so they can feed you mana so you were definitely popular
Druid: Feral DPS and Balance are both decent, but not top tier.
Warrior: As with all melee in TBC, you kinda suck in comparison to casters early on but once t6 starts up you become gods again
Rogue: Same as above but worse. Sub in PvP was amazing though and was incredibly hard to kill with stuff like cheat death/cloak of shadows. You got away with minimal resil and PVE weapons/trinkets so you can hit really hard in PvP
Hunter: Don’t remember too much about hunter but iirc they got alooot better in TBC
Mage: its mage. You’re a god class as usual lol. Ice lance and water elemental expand your toolkit even more. Fire mages also are extremely powerful if played properly
Warlock: Honestly Warlock is the god of tbc. Insane dps, and in PvP the SL/SL warlock may as well be a tank. I remember vividly seeing SL/SL warlocks with the same HP pool as a warrior. They just slowly suck the life out of you in arena until you get yeeted and die
These are my anecdotes from playing tbc years ago so it may be off, but maybe this will give you kinda an idea where things stand
I remember priests being pretty cool in BC, lot of neat abilities they got given there.
Um not sure If for real
Ramiel above is largely correct except that ret paladins were not terrible in tbc alliance side.
They were inferior to horde paladins but sov was not worthless against raid bosses since they tended to remain standing so much longer and there was either a 32 slot debuff limit combined with 15 fewer players or no debuff limit.
Also ret paladins of either faction got 2 instant speed melee attacks so the seal was much less important than in vanilla, where it was all you had.
Arcane mage was crazy good DPS in TBC
BUT ULTIMATELY I want to stress that this kind of thinking is not very appropriate to TBC.
OP, literally any spec of any class that CAN do something is viable for it at any level.
It’s one of the more … free… times wow has seen.
Basically just play what you want, you WILL be fine.
Edit: if / when tbc ever comes out.
I got glad 2400ish rating in BC priest/warrior combo… the only thing that we lost too was Druid/warrior combo…b/c i couldnt mana burn the druid without him just regening it quicker than me… and i cant spam dispel his hots b/c it would insta heal
Also… i was a human priest… and when i got to MTHyjal BT… i could really feel the regen from my gear/spirit… Min max that 5% spirit was pretty nice for pve…+ when i got an innervate oooboy!
Ya, it was easentially banish
Even other classes know the awesomeness of Druid heals/innervate/utility!
BC and WtoLK was when Disc was a ton of fun to play imo
So,correct me if I’m wrong best dps is warlocks,best heals is druids,and best tank is warrior/paladin? But everything is viable.
In PVE almost every spec and role of each spec is more than viable.
Esp Shaman you want 5+ Shaman in a raid.