Put Lor’themar in charge of the Horde. Have him and his new queen actually do something. He has proven himself a good leader multiple times, he clearly isn’t a megalomaniac who would become a raid boss, and he is a big name who still remains important.
Plus he seems like a logical fit with elves being the focus of the next expac.
That’s not what I was talking about when I mentioned faction identity.
I meant that the Horde often feels like a hallow shell of it’s former self story wise.
Instead of both factions having separate stories, I as a Horde character have had to pal around with Alleria, Anduin, and a never-before-seen of nation of Dwarves and Humans.
Removing cross faction gameplay would do nothing to rectify that and would only harm the game more.
You people say “strong” when you really mean “bully”.
Baine is, by far, the strongest leader the Horde has ever seen and more than deserves to be Warchief. He stood up for the True Horde when literally nobody else did. He was on the front lines fighting to take Org back from the psychotic dictator in Garrosh and then later actively stood up and defied the traitorous Sylvanas when it was more than obvious she was sabatoging and bringing the Horde down…literally even his “allies” sulked and stuck to the shadows while he made the hard calls and took the heat.
Just like Fae haters, you all just need to stop dancing around and own your feces. You want a warmonger in chief. You want a savage whose single semi-working braincell is about WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. You are too much of a simpleton to see beyond red vs blue even when the lore has moved so far beyond that.
Nah that dude tips like a cow. Pun intended.
But in seriousness that dude literally murders Horde soldiers to make Anduin and Jaina happy. He’s not strong, he’s just a simp. If anyone’s a traitor it’s him for constantly choosing the Alliance over the well being of his people.
I didn’t play much Shadowlands but I liked the Night Fae. They were 'dorbs.
When your people are the ones on the wrong side of things, they stop being your people.
This is seen so much in today with the race wars. I’m as pale white as they come but I am extremely against white supremacists. Just because I share a skin color doesn’t mean I wouldn’t gladly see every last one of them dead. Baine not wanting to do literal war crimes doesn’t make him an alliance simp.
Again, you want a warmonger whose going to loktar ogar over a flag in a gulch as his/her highest priority despite the literal reality ending threats showing up non stop and there isn’t even the inkling of a good reason for continued faction hostilities in the first place (and super ignoring the fact even if there were, the Horde would be singing “I pledge Allegiance to the Stormwind Flag” in no time given the objective advantages the Alliance hold).
If the rank and file employees are wearing swats and actively working to protect and carry out their agenda. Plus it isn’t an accurate metaphor either. Everytime the Alliance applies a spanking to the Horde, they didn’t intentionally go for genocide. Wasn’t the boys and girls in Blue deciding to nuke a city tree filled with civilians after their opponent surrendered. Wasn’t the boys and girls in blue who decided to nuke a city using a “neutral” 3rd party to sneak said bomb around.
Personally, I would’ve loved to see the Alliance turn sadistic and tyrannical after SOO. A chance for the Horde to remember their roots and band back together as the misfits just looking to band together…and gods know the Alliance could stand to be seen as more than boy scouts
I don’t care if people want their toxic masuclinity “heroes” to cling to. Just stop trying to pretend it is anything but that. Personally, I think the lore is beyond more interesting when we’re fighting threats that can end reality as we know it vs episode 388947386789643 of fighting for that damn flag in a gulch
tbh horde was pretty upset when those elves was pushed onto us back then too. I Remember the forum explosion and the threats to camp them in pvp realms.
After playing through the campaign I don’t have as much of an issue with this as I thought I would. They’re pretty far disconnected from the dwarves we’re familiar with, it’d be like trying to compare Night Elves and Blood Elves.
However, I do still think we didn’t need any more races to begin with. 13 was honestly already enough, 23 was way too many, 25 is ridiculous.
We have that. It’s the reason the horde sucks, atm.
We went from “horde bad” to: “Horde represents oppressed peoples, thus we have to tip-toe around making stories about them.”
Yeah I have even heard people saying they just shouldn’t ever do another story about trolls since they’re “coded”.
Honestly, trolls are such a colossal hodge podge of different cultures from around the world that if you think they actually represent any specific real-world group you might be the racist one.
That’s stupid; if anybody was that bothered by Trolls, they’ve had ample opportunity over the last THIRTY YEARS to avoid Warcraft games so they don’t have to deal with it.
This is another point. Like why are these things only bothering them now? They’re just jumping on a bandwagon.
Also, you’ll notice they never go after any of the actual iffy depictions of real-world people in Warcraft. Like the Pygmies for starters, there’s a reason we never saw them again after Cata.
Faction identity was irepparably damaged by Kozak and Afrasiabi long before Danuser took over in BFA patches (largely stuck with Afrasiabi’s garbage sinking ship - you can see his hand all over the place until well into 9.1, the only expansion that can be said to be truly all Danuser’s is DF which largely saved the game from imploding for good)
Also I have literally never met a player who liked Stormheim’s faction war bit, but if i did i can say with absolute assurance that I think your taste is objectively bad, the tower pvp quests were memed to death because they were so incredibly stupid.