Well it’s not a time of peace anymore is it? We’re at war with the Nerubians as well as whatever else Xal’atath has in store for us.
So can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have a Warchief again? I can’t take another minute of this stupid council!
The Horde has no one to rally around anymore and it leaves me with a constant empty feeling. I don’t even care who, as long as it isn’t Baine. How about Geya’rah? She’s cool. Or maybe have Vol’jin take his title back when he returns as a loa? I think we’ve earned the right to having a god-king. Hell put Gazlowe on the throne! I don’t care! Just give me SOMEONE to answer to! I will never ask for anything else ever again!
Being a Horde fan has sucked so hard these past six years.
My breaking point is when Lilian Voss told me to report to Alleria and my first thought was “Why? I don’t answer to Alleria, I answer to…” and I couldn’t finish the thought because under the Council we don’t have a proper chain of command. I’m so jealous of the Alliance who get to have Turalyon as their Lord Commander to rally around while the Horde has nothing!
EDIT: Removed the unfair Danuser dig, it was low-class and detracted from my point.
A edgey horde was a fun horde
A true horde will never accept this koombayah lets be friends stuff. Those that do are just secret Alliance players.
We don’t need a faction war to have a Warchief. While I do dearly miss cracking Alliance skulls, that’s not what I want this thread to be about.
Yeah, not having an actual Warchief feels bad. Say what you want about Garrosh, but at least the Horde actually felt like the Horde under him.
I’d be satisfied if we just had a Horde writing team.
Baine’s response:
Aggressively sits in a corner
I completely agree. They don’t need to be a bloodthirsty monster but having a single strong leader makes for a much more interesting leader.
We have a council for the overall Horde and we have a council just for the Undead. It’s just idiotic. The Desolate Council needs to come together for their consensus to then bring that to whatever the Horde Council is convening about.
Remember how the horde got Vulpera and alliance got diaper gnomes? Yea it’s not fair is it
Better them than us, in my opinion.
The way the Desolate Councilis is set up doesn’t even make sense.
An ideal council would have a representative of every Forsaken demographic so everyone would have someone advocating for their needs right?
Well we got Belmont representing the military, Velonara representing the darkfallen, and Faranell representing the apothecaries. But then we have Calia and Lilian representing who exactly? Who are they speaking on behalf of? It gets even weirder when you realize the abominations and Cult of Forgotten Shadows have no representation at all.
It’s clear the Desolate Council was a hasty compromise made after realizing that Calia was way too unpopular among fans take over as queen. Best evidenced by how Calia seems to be able to spend Forsaken resources completely independently of the Council almost as if these questlines were prepared under the assumption Calia would have absolute power.
Seems Thrall is leading the Horde war effort in Khaz Algar.
Calia represents the Alliance. Lillian represents the writing team because she’s their designated mouthpiece.
By the way the store is heading.
Most likely Thrall will walk into a betrayal and will take up with warchief command.
The title is war within. Are we at war with our emotions to like the horde or alliance ?
Thrall is getting set up for a text book sabotage. And Anduin will get blamed for it.
Alleria will be the one do it.
Anduin now is more matured calm and collect and also has the power of light back.
So he will probably look to make some diplomatic sanctions on the Horde.
If this does not happen. Then the other scenario is we all band under Anduins banner and faction migration happens.
They should just make a warchief potion that is essentially the Horde equivalent of the Lord Commander position for the Alliance. Turalyon doesn’t get to tell each individual nation what to do, but he does run the collective military for the Alliance.
Then they should make that person actually show up in the story for more than a handful of quests.
They should also probably do something with Baine and Calia to make them more for the Horde, but that’s another topic.
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And yet they whine and call him isms.
Thats what the horde was unde garrosh. Literally Unga Bunga no talky.
In Sid Meier’s Alpha Centauri, after the U.N. mission breaks up into 7 different factions, I always loved the dialogue option at the top, here (below the facial portrait):