“ There is no place for a warchief in a time of peace.” -Baine Bloodhoof

I largely just turned off my brain, didn’t read any quest text, and plowed through that story line.

The Council of Three Hammers was done well when all the dwarves wanted Iron Forge and to be the top dog. It stopped the needless killing. I’d say currently its served it purpose and is mostly unneeded now. The Dwarves are in a good spot.

Why do we need 2 councils on the Horde? What’s their main purpose? Cause we don’t want one person to have all the power? Put checks into place.


Or just hire writers who can tell a story besides “Horde bad! BAD!”


I’d take that compromise. But personally I still think the Horde needs a leader with absolute authority to get the races of the Horde to behave themselves and show up where they’re supposed to and not just when they feel like it.
Unlike the Alliance that’s almost always on the same page the Horde is wildly diverse and sometimes even contradictory in what its members value and need. The fact that the Horde Council has been functioning at all is pure deus ex machina because logically it should be like a cart being pulled in 13 directions. And I think that’s why we haven’t seen a single meeting since Shadows Rising. The writers KNOW there’s no way to make the Horde Council work without numerous leaders acting completely out of character.


Hey, look, one person having power went so bad before. With a council we are now taking orders from Thrallerianduin.

Things are much better now!


This is really emblematic of how I feel too.


Is Aggra on the Horde council? Sometimes it seems like she is, sometimes she isn’t.

If she is… what the hell for?


So does this mean Thrall outranks other council members like Geya’rah? Care to explain how that works?

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Perhaps the Senate gave him a field consul position.

(No, seriously. Just ripping off how the Romans did things would be ten thousand times better than the slop the Horde players get served up, now.)

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Agreed but the reason the ingame characters made the council is cause of two warmongers. But Blizz wrote those stories too far that the only thing they could do was kill them off.

Crazy thought, what if the racial leaders had seen where things were going and killed Garrosh off before things got out of hand? Same for Sylvanas. That was the check that was already in place. You can freely duel and kill the Warchief.


The NPC’s all wanted to.

They just didn’t because the writing team needed Garrosh alive for their “Horde bad! BAD!” storyline.


What if they had written Garrosh to be a decent part of Grom’s legacy instead?


She stepped in for Thrall while he was busy being in the Maw iirc. Which also goes to show how hilarious it is when characters call the council “democratic” it’s an oligarchy not a democracy. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to slot in replacements so easily.


It’s more like an episode of Lost. The people on the council are whomever’s still alive on the island after everyone else got killed off.


Geya’rah is a council member?

Third time’s the charm…

Baine Bloodhoof is a loser.

No one should take anything he says seriously.



Or maybe the writers shouldn’t artificially create two identical civil war storylines and act like it was an inevitability and not just them being hacks?


I don’t know but she should be.

You want an awesome looking female character you got one right there imo.

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SO uh, who keep raising undead to refill the ranks of the scourge? Are they asking those souls if they want to be walking corpses?

We’ll never know. Maybe if he had a better leader than Thrall.


They’re running so low on named Horde characters that pretty soon Gamon and Gun Cow will be on the council.

(Gun Cow is an old nickname for Kaja, for the unaware.)

Also that goblin with the ice cream cart.