The High Elf Conundrum

We are the true inheritors of the Quel’dorei legacy. Being in the the Alliance doesn’t male you a high elf. We took up the name Sin’dorei as a memorial to the Quel’dorei that were slain by the Scourge. Those Thalassians that refuse the name are traitors to our people.

Enjoy your human potential, traitors.


A High Elf racial mount would be a mouse with too many cookies.


This goes against the other customization options available to the races and is not a good statement…

Blackhand Orcs, Wildhammer Dwarves, Sandtrolls, everything non-existent now just because they are rolled into another race options?

They already have this, if they want to play a Silver Covenant High Elf.

Traitors?! You got some nerve!

You and your “Reagent Lord” exiled us because we chose to research the void, a power that could have helped us in the battle with the scourge!

Enjoy your orc and undead filth. The ren’dorei is our home, we welcome any blood elf that is tired of your horde.


am i the only one who read this as high elf communism? :joy:

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For sure. That’s actually something I originally wrote in my last post but deleted before publishing, because I felt like I was rambling - A blood elf can become a high elf through a change of allegiance. Same with a high elf to a blood elf. And both blood elves and high elves can become void elves.

That last one involves a good deal more than just a change of tabard though. Can a void elf ever go back to being a blood elf or high elf? Maybe? It’s lore that just hasn’t been explored yet. We don’t know yet if all or even some of the effects of the void are reversible. I hope it’s something they do go into one day. The way elves’ react and mutate with exposure to different magics has been a super interesting trait of theirs for a long time. What if someone like one of those felbloods from the sunwell raid ever found their way to telogrus and chowed down on some void porridge? Maybe we’d get an elf version of Xhul’horac!


High elves are addicted to mana. This is why belves without the sunwell were withering. Like what happened to the nightbourne.

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you’re forgetting the Nightborne, who themselves were highborne but they changed in their bubble, siphoning from their new well of power.

meanwhile Kael’thas and his highborne became Blood Elves after they broke off from the Alliance, since they got tired of the racism.

so yes, as i said, the Highborne are no more, yet people cannot let go of them.

Never quite got this. It wasn’t the Alliance that was racist to them, it was Lordaeron. So what do the Blood Elves do in BC? Ally with Lordaeron and the dead souls that were racist to them from WC3. /logic.

Not necessarily. Some joined the alliance, the rest stayed behind

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It has been since October of 2020 and people are still trying to gatekeep virtual elves. Who cares? Just call yourself what you want

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This is a highly contentious issue that demands the utmost level of scrutiny.

Blue eyes are extremely important, you see.

I understand, Death Knights had blue eyes before any other playable characters. It is disappointing that nobody is fighting about whether they are all Death Knights or Normal Knights

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Because they are the hero azeroth deserves, but not the one she needs right now. So the normal knights will hunt the high elves. Because they can take it. Because they are not our hero. They’re a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A normal knight.

The highborne from dire maul went and allied with tyrande back in cataclysm. I remeber the final patch of wrath of the lich king and inside the temple of the moon there was a highborne who wanted to speak with tyrande and the sentinel told him to be patient.

You used normal knights to describe the police and then used normal knight in place of Dark Knight.


Wait is this the official High Elf Thread now?

I never let anyone else dictate how I play the game.

Yes, I am a high elf.

I am a High elf too :blush:
emphasized text


That was not my intention when i created this post. I just wanted thought that there was some truth to the quote i found on Blizzard Watch website.