The High Elf Conundrum

I understand, Death Knights had blue eyes before any other playable characters. It is disappointing that nobody is fighting about whether they are all Death Knights or Normal Knights

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Because they are the hero azeroth deserves, but not the one she needs right now. So the normal knights will hunt the high elves. Because they can take it. Because they are not our hero. They’re a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A normal knight.

The highborne from dire maul went and allied with tyrande back in cataclysm. I remeber the final patch of wrath of the lich king and inside the temple of the moon there was a highborne who wanted to speak with tyrande and the sentinel told him to be patient.

You used normal knights to describe the police and then used normal knight in place of Dark Knight.


Wait is this the official High Elf Thread now?

I never let anyone else dictate how I play the game.

Yes, I am a high elf.

I am a High elf too :blush:
emphasized text


That was not my intention when i created this post. I just wanted thought that there was some truth to the quote i found on Blizzard Watch website.

You can’t change your race by claiming you are a different race. A race is something you are born into.

Trolls are the true high elves. Every elf is a descendant of Trolls.

and they also get high


Left you pondering
 That you needed to make another high elf thread? You couldn’t post in any of the other 637913891 threads?


No, we needed 637913892 threads.

Too bad we got prettier. Because our ancestors are uuuuuugally.

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 the ancestors are “Ewww”

If you do a passable job of telling your new race’s origin story then your players wouldn’t need posts, tweets, or retcons to clarify exactly what species they are actually playing. If that’s the case then you outright failed in the most basic of storytelling tasks.

Velfs are Blood Elves who got kicked out for being a little too much into tentacles and void play. Velfs are High Elves only in the same way that Blood Elves are high elves.

Void Elves are basically the Blizzard Tax in action. They are a perfect example in fact.

Players wanted High Elves for years, almost two decades, and Blizzard’s response as usual was to delay, and delay, and then grudgingly give them kind-of what they asked for, but not really.

That way later they can give you what you actually asked for as a future expansion feature.
Trust your feelings, you know it be true, and you’ve seen it before.


Race doesn’t mean the same thing in WoW. High elves and blood elves are different “races” in WoW, but are biologically identical. They just call themselves different things to denote their allegiance.

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I am like 99% sure addiction doesn’t change ones race or species.

Because you’re an expert on mana addiction?

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I’m fairly learned on addiction yeah. Mana is just magical energy.

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It began when a group of trolls settled near the well of eternity. That was where the titan amanthul ripped ysharj out of thr ground.

I dont remember if they infused the rip with magic or not but yep.

That was when the addiction began and the magic changed the trolls in the first elves, the highborne. Then it bled into the quel’dorei. High elves. The sin’dorei, blood elves.

It seems to only effect the elves, none of of the other races have that issue and they are pretty much all magic users.