RIP bear... good job blizz

My conclusion is that they have some weird sort of plan. They think they are misunderstood geniuses, while we “consumers” who have yet to achieve enlightenment see them as talentless hacks.

Bear has been the spec living in the crawl space since the end of legion. I was half expecting them to delete the spec following their killing off ursoc. “Sorry guys, with ursoc dead, bears lost their powers and are now extinct”.

It’s painfully obvious that whoever is involved with these decisions, have zero idea what bear spec identity even is. Or if they do, they’re unwilling to actually enable it. They could have just fixed mastery scaling, and reverted some of the dire Bear armor scaling nerfs, and it would have been okay.

But instead, they keep giving us weird DPS options that are in places we can’t even take, without undermining our already awful mitigation. I settled on a left and right build that was just tanky enough before patch, which I am now struggling to replicate.


Lol yeah just tanky enough i am sure you had zero complaints about druid tank before this patch…

Agreed. The new stuff added is great but the pathing and design of the tree itself are complete trash

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and regrowth now heals for 1/3 to 1/5 of what it was healing for before the 10.0.5 patch.

where is the documentation on these stealth nerfs?

how many other stealth nerfs are we missing or is this just an Emerald Nightmare and everything is just a bug?

Bear needed a 50% buff to be on par with the bottom. it cant afford to be loosing 66-80% of its abilities throughput.

Thorns of iron is a nice ability but it doesnt really make up for the damage loss from Thrash now having a CD during Incarn and Berserk

is 15k single target really what Bear tanks are supposed to be doing?


From my testing, Protector of the Pack is totally broken. My Dream of Cenarius regrowth procs in bear form are exactly the same size regardless of if I’m running Protector of the Pack or not. Would appreciate if anyone else would test this and confirm if I am correct or not. (EDIT: added more info below)

Also, a funny observation I had with the 50% cooldown nerf to Berserk: Ravage is that the tooltips for Berserk: Ravage and Berserk (the ability) now no longer match. One says 50% cooldown reduction and the other still says 100%. I’m REALLY hoping this is evidence that this was an unintended change…

My opinion of the changes are as follows:

  1. They added brutal bugs and/or undocumented changes that have effectively broken the class. I am now simultaneously less tanky and less healy than before the patch. Whereas I was able to push through +16/17s before, I’m now limping through +13/14s.
  2. The new abilities look fun, but there’s no build that I’d actually want to play that can reach them. So they’re effectively dead to me. I actually really prefered my build BEFORE the 10.0.5 changes to what we have now, but here we are. If they somehow pruned down a few of the nodes to allow me to reach some of the new abilities, I’d love to use them. Thorns of Iron, Raze, Lunar Beam, and Moonless Night genuinely look really fun, I’m just not going to sacrafice defensiveness or self healing to take them.

I agree with everyone that the pathing is REALLY not ideal. Also, can we please get rid of three different Berserk talents that I have effectively zero choice in taking or not…

EDIT: So it appears that there is a new heal showing up on my logs, aptly named “Protector of the Pack”. It appears that instead of the old functionality of just directly strengthening the healing amount of the regrowth itself (as the tooltip states), the new 10.0.5 change has the healing moved into its own effect. That said, after ~5min at the target dummy, Protector of the Pack was doing roughly 1% of my overall healing. This new Protector of the Pack does not seem to be able to crit, nor does it appear to be affected by things such as vers, passive increases to healing, or the 200% healing from Dream of Cenarius. It’s just a flat ~13-15k each time we use regrowth, which mathmatically makes it, by far, the worst healing talent in our arsenal, and a complete waste of a capstone ability.

My guess is that their intent was to just split the “regrowth” healing from the “Protector of the Pack” healing, with the sum of the two equaling what regrowth alone was doing prior to 10.0.5 (hence not needing to make an announcement about it as this change would mostly just be to help people reading through their logs). However, somewhere in there they made a HUGE mistake with how they programed the new Protector of the Pack heal, not allowing it to benefit from any healing bonuses, secondary stats, or the effects of things like the healing bonus from Dream of Cenarius.


What happened to the guardian spec?
Why we still have 3 talents focusing on Berserk/Incarnation?

I felt a massive nerf on the survival, please bring back the 10.0.0 guardian druid, because the revamp was a major blow on us.

I think we just lost time waiting for the talents changes.

I play with the druid tank since Wrath of the Lich King, and it is the first time that i come here in the forums to complain about the spec. There is anyone on Blizzard playing as a druid tank?!

Please don’t ruin Dragonflight for us bears.


Reaching out on this forum as well, would say that the spec is playable, but you must have very good teammates. On a good/bad note Ironfur doesn’t seem to slow down damage at all (bad), but it does do damage now with right talent which is kinda fun to do on big pulls (fun is good)!

On a trying to be constructive note, Not sure, but maybe something is broken and not working right? Seems like since the patch our survivability of BIG hits has just gone, If you take 2 icy cutters from a high level azure vault, 2 void slashes from SMB, the mistresses slash in court of stars, shield maidens in HOV, even just 2 shield mobs in NO around the elemental boss. These aren’t mobs you can avoid. Can comfirm if you have barkskin and survival instincts you will still lose half your life unless you get lucky and dodge. Then on the second round you use incarnate and sleeper to survive. Then once thats down you will need to hit barkskin, but you will most likely die with just barkskin. Can you get thru, yes! Find some really good DPS to kill these mobs fast enought and a holy priest for guardian to give yourself a free death. Wonder how high of key we can get with this strat. Sorry to ramble, guess not super happy with the state of the spec. Puging is probably not going to be easy for those that have to go that route :frowning:

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Can confirm, protector of the pack is its own separate healing ability.

I think most people would be happy if they delayed other content by 2 weeks-1 month just to focus on classes. Now that we’ve had time to play with the specs a lot, some of them are just bad or extremely lame(Survival Hunter) and don’t work well in high magic damage, high movement, high spread encounters. Expansion is cool, but lots of the fun gets sapped out when your spec is feeling gimped.


How can we tell if the devs are seeing any of this or if they plan on doing anything about Guardian? Do we reroll another class? Do we wait it out for something soon to change? How can we tell what is happening?

My main has always been a bear druid since Vanilla. This does not feel good.

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LOL resto shammy I saw the changes they have in 10.0.5 didn’t help resto shammy much. Sure the change is nice but it won’t even push them a tier higher than before 10.0.5 (just saying). Resto druid and evoker are top healer is coz of the way how damage goes out and the constant AoE making class with a lot of HoT’s or instant heal very very OP.

You don’t. No devs read the class fourms. They might need the PTR forum but doesn’t mean they will actually pay attention to what player needs.

Thing was Guardian was already much worse off than monk or DH even before the 10.05 nerf. At the high end, the top tank in every spec ranked world wide for M+ is:

Warrior: 1
Pally: 8
DK: 9
Monk: 19
DH: 28
Druid: 220

220!! That’s where the top Druid is and he’s falling fast. Before the patch he was hanging on in the top 200 at 199. If you added the rank of every leading tank from every other spec you’d get less than a third of the way to the top druid on the leaderboard. The difference was huge before the nerf, its now so massive that the number 2 ranked druid is talking about abandoning the spec for the rest of the tier and rerolling because its just not viable after 10.05 and it seems like there’s no path ahead.

We’re at the point that just rolling back to before patch 10.05 with zero changes would actually be moving in the right direction, even though that means going back to being solidly the worst tank in the game. My mind is blown.


Ok so this guy didnt hit the wall until he was ranked at 220, whats your excuse?

Congrats on the most absurd take on tank balance this month. I’m sure you were saying the exact same thing during Trial of Valor mid-season patch when all three hunter specs were doing 10-15% less dps than the next lowest spec on the list. I’m sure you said, “This is fine guys, just play harder and we’ll trust our teammates to not drop us out of progression raids because we can’t meet the DPS check, there are still three or four hunter M+ runners who can look over the fence at the top 1000 spots on the leaderboard.”

“Getting knocked to 10% hp on every unavoidable Liu kick on 17 TJS? Play harder dude, just be like the 415 geared professional wow player with BIS gear that still can’t time a +23 in there.”

Also, he’s 222 now. Dropped another two places in the time it took to comment this. When every other tank has someone in the top 30, at what point do you suppose it’s no longer okay for the last spec to be this far behind? When there’s zero bears in the top 300? Top 500?


If you have such a problem with having a meta why do almost all your timed mythics have a meta group with druid healer and rog/DH?

So you have no argument in reply and instead want to complain that I either play too much with friends or that the groups I pug into and have zero control over have too many meta classes?

Yeah…we’re done here. Go troll the hunter forums, maybe they’ll find your misfiring humor amusing.


Point I was making is that if that guy can do it but you cant, its most likely not the class that is holding you back.

Your argument really should be please make druids easier so I can do higher keys, not druids are unplayable

Worry about your own class hunter. MM got some major nerf too and BM isn’t looking any better in m+. Only have SV left. Too bad pugs don’t like SV.