Continuation of New Customisation Options for: Void Elves, Blood Elves, & misc high elves

lol, nah, why don’t ya post on your troll.

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As a straight white cis male, I do not partake in this activity, so I’d appreciate if you didn’t stereotype us.

I kind of think it should be a transmog item.

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So you’re saying that effeminate males shouldn’t be portrayed in gaming? What if an effeminate gay man wants to represent themselves with their character? How are you, as a trans man going to tell them they’re gross?

And how is this forced if it’s a customization option.


This took a turn for the worst, lmao

If you aren’t forced to select certain customization options, then how is it forced feminization?

Jewlery also isn’t inherently feminine, that’s a gender stereotype based on heretonormative gender roles and societal standards. An actual trans person wouldn’t be feeding into that.

That’d be like saying the new bald hair options for girls are “forced masculinization on females and offends me as a trans woman”. No actual trans woman is ever going to say that.

Low quality bait.

I never said you did :slight_smile:

That type of troll comment he’s doing is commonly used by anti-LGBTQ people trying to mock them though. That’s not being saying all straight white cis people mock or are against LGBTQ people.

Bc I’d be willing to bet my IRL savings he’s not a trans man and is just trolling.


That’s kinda rude to imply.


I would actually be appalled if a trans man tried to tell a feminine man that they’re gross. Like, can they not see the hypocrisy in that?


What’s more rude is to mock LGBTQ people and parade as them trying to make them look bad.

Yeah, that’s how you know they aren’t. Most LGBTQ people go through a lot of hardship in life and constantly deal with society shoving standards and stuff on them and telling them what’s wrong or right, and so they don’t turn around and do the same thing.

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I think the anti-trans comment he made is “pretty rude”.

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well i agree the jewelry thing is odd and i was only joking about the high heels. lol i dont think for a moment that they’d let us have a customization like that, though there may be shoes like that from the venthyr, i dunno.

Just rude.

Why do you keep saying forced… when its optional?

You keep using that word… but I don’t think it means what you think it means.

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He could have made his point without bringing that into it, maybe better if he hadn’t…and people who are transgender can have views you might find unpalatable. I’m not saying I agree with his argument, just there isn’t reason to think one way or the together about how he’s identified himself to us.

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Which comment?


So does this invalidate anyone who happens to actually be a gay feminine man? And that they can’t be represented without insulting the LGBT community? Are you not reading what you’re typing?

Of course not, but telling people that adding any feminine themes is “forcing” it is pretty bizzare.

There’s nothing yikes worthy about wanting manly stuff for Blood Elves to break stereotypes.

You can’t use “manly” to describe tattoos and scars and “break stereotypes” in the same sentence.

Assigning genders to tattoos and scars is inherently feeding into societal stereotypes.


i agree. belfs have been thru alot. they should all be battle hardened and scarred, though being elves, they may have faster regeneration.