We've Reworked Player Versus Player!

We've Reworked Player Versus Player!

We've reworked Player versus Player with different rewards, shorter matches and Honor contribution! This update also includes bug fixes for matchmaking, daily offers, Anub'arak and more.

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Maybe there could’ve been some announcement before the PVP change? with the opportunity for players give some feedback. I was caught off guard by this change.

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Yes, very bad patch, Malfurion top in pvp and bad system for honor point

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That’s great if you have a desire to only play with and against a few unbalanced heroes. Please make player honor average of all heroes, or revert to old system and just add a sliding minimum honor score for lower heroes. And i suggest not dropping players honor at the start of every season.

Also, half my guild is now arclight mastermind somehow , even barely playing pvp, and being silver before new pvp.

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PvP is bad now… crystal replenishes so fast you don’t need kobald. It’s spam central. If i see hogger or Anub i just quit because of the same comp people play with them. It’s boring now and no fun… thanks for ruining PvP!!! I finished the road for rewards now I’m done with PvP

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Alright, I got to the end of the victory road. Not sure what the point if this PVP change was… now I have no idea which leader I had the better setup with and I now have to scroll through every leader just to find the ones that I previously had at the top as my favourite and highest ranked PVP heroes.

There is no way to see guild level on the PVP tier anymore as it was previously and a lot of my fellow guild members are complaining about that. We are not sure what this victory road window is even for now aside from collecting a couple of one-time loot boxes… I don’t see the point with this overhaul of the PVP system.

The previous taking 3 top-ranked heroes was more fun for levelling up heroes in the PVP and the best 3 combined give you your score. Once completing the victory road I see no reason to continue doing the PVP as I did before.

Why you guys are not correct the PvP honors rating bug? While many player have 3x of their actual honors ratings; some have the actual honors rating count!


There is also a big problem in matchmaking, I am lvl8 in pvp and I play against lvl11, it is impossible for me to progress above 12000 d’honnor :frowning:
out of 30 games:
“0” games vs lvl8,
“6” games vs lvl9,
“15” games vs lvl10,
“9” games vs lvl11.


I donno what today’s PvP patch was intended to do! But all my guild players are already at Arclight Rank except for me! Pathetic