Purchased Ashenvale Cache, game crash, didn't recieve

I purchased the Ashenvale Cache and my game crashed immediately. When I logged in I had my coins but never got to spend the 2x mega tomes or mega leader tome.


I just had the same exact thing happen with the Lorderon Bundle. Got the gold and didn’t get to open any of the bundles.


same thing happened to me

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Same problem for me here, but with the Hogger bundle.
Only got the gold, no Tomes. :frowning_face:


Same here, support just gives an idiotic copypaste response that is irrelevant to the issue. Classic Blizzard.


False advertisement, need our tomes!


Having the same issue here with the ashenvale cache.

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Got this answer after a second request for answers (in the same ticket):

Please note that it can take up to 72 hours for a purchase to become available in-game. I understand that this is a special situation because the purchase is partially available. This situation is under observation, I would recommend to keep an eye out for updates. There is also a possibility that you will be granted some coins to compensate. Please contact me again if nothing has happened after the deadline.


Interesting, I’ll report back within 72 hours see if I have received the cache

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I also bought the Hogger Pack.
Got the gold but didnt got the Tomes.
Support just gives me unrelated answers and basically tells me to wait for 72 hours (honestly wtf?) or gives me a link to something completely unrelated in the forum or asks me to report to the Google Playstore support since they only take care of purchases on the Blizzard store? But i bought it on Rumble? I dont get what they mean.

How in the hell should the Google Playstore support help me with an ingame purchase in Warcraft Rumble?

Anyone have any idea what to do here? I would kinda like to have the things i paid for

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Same exact issue, ddnt had the game crush tho i only got the golds out of the box, im scared to by any other box rn

Ashenvale pack, same problem.

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Got gold not tomes - Ashenvale Pack

same with Lordoran pack

The same thing happened to me with the Ashenvale Stash package, it didn’t give me the experience tomes and the coins appear sometimes and other times they don’t.

Same here only got the gold, pack remains and when you click it says unable to purchase

Ashenvale cache as well, looks like too common of an issue… Very frustrating seeing how many people it’s happening to.

same thing happened to me.

Blizzard Support is one of the worst support teams I’ve ever seen. It’s crazy you can have such a common problem and they can’t even escalate the issues internally to devs. Instead they POINT YOU TO FORUMS where supposedly it’s looked at. Genuinely should be fired.

I now have a negative balance because I can’t buy the pack again, and didn’t receive the initial value anyways because I only got the coins, not the XP. Disgusting company.

this happened with one of the bundles also, but i think the tomes were given after i opened one from the daily thing after 3 wins. still unsure.

so try to get a tome from that and see if it gives you the ones from the bundle, please post here if it works or not.

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So can any one confirm they received bundles at a later date? Just bought a lordean loot legendary value pack game crashed and only received gold. Wtf blizz