Purchased Ashenvale Cache, game crash, didn't recieve

It just happened to me lol, bought the ashenvale bundle and didn’t get anything! The coins or the tomes! Pls fix blizzard

Like rjp421 said once I received/bought a different tome I received the ones from the pack.

Same thing, I think I got gold I’m even not sure that I got gold, but other things not at all.

Same. Fix your damn game. We need a response or you’re going to have a ton of chargebacks/refunds.

Same thing here. Looking 4 support lead me to your topic.
Bye bye my money

How can i refund this? Gives me no option to refund

Been well over 72 hrs and never received it. Ashenvale pack is now gone. Before it was gone I would attempt to buy it a second time and it kept throwing an error. Following up with blizzard support shortly as the past responses were not helpful just for me to “wait”. What a joke.

I’m having the same issue with the winterspring pack, game crashed as soon as i bought it, i think i got the coins and energy but im missing the 10 stars on blizzard and the unit xp for sure.

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For everyone that is having issues - don’t refund in google play or however you did it

you’ll have a negative coin balance that is literally triple what the typical values of coins are comparatively since it was a “legendary” bundle

just saying it again because im salty - blizzard support is worthless and not even worth funding, I could run a better support staff from a cave in the Arctic.

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Thanks for pointing this out. I might not have noticed that there were 9 instead of just 3 unit choices (tome pages) the next time I got a regular tome. But this was in fact what happened. It’s just really easy to miss if you are still not used to the number of tome pages you get from one tome.

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This has happened to me multiple times now. For the Lorderon pack, winterfall pack, blackrock pack - got the gold but 0 items. Have had an open ticket with blizzard for multiple days now, waited 72 hours on multiple packs, and nothing has been resolved. Please help!

Winterspring package, same thing, it took my money twice, got me just coins but no tomes or minis

Im having the same issue, any “legendary” pack purchased, i get a the coin, then game crash, monies transferred.

Hoping the next daily tome will rotate these in, really whack that this element doesnt work.

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Got the same error popup (“Purchase could not be completed”) on Ashenvale Cache package purchase. Got gold after relogin but no tomes.

Update: Seems to me that I got the tomes in some time after login.

SAME EXPERIENCE multiple packs…support gives me a canned response about 72 hours, even when it’s been 5 days… No more money purchases until something gets fixed. at this point it"s feeling very scammish…

The same thing happened to me too. I received the gold but not the tomes from the Azeroth Riches bundle. Is there a possibility to get the tomes too?

Same problem. I wrote to support that I was missing the stars that should have been in the package, books and some other things that should have been there, and after 8 days they wrote to me that I “supposedly” received everything. I should have had 10x skeleton party star there and currently I have 0/10 :smiley: so no matter how I count, it doesn’t work out for me

The only thing I can recommend is that you refound everything via google and delete the garbage from your mobile phone.

They are just ordinary thieves.

Literally happened to me so now the game is unplayable. Refunded 20 dollars cause the 2 packs didn’t work right and I have -6500 gold now. Game is unplayable and I asked support for help but they basically just said they can’t help me and I have to repurchase the gold. That’s literally 50+ dollars worth of gold… gg go next I guess…

Anybody ever get the XP 72 hours later? Same thing just happened to me on the Ashenvale Cashe. Looks like I got the coins but no XP.