Purchase went through, Received no Tomes

I purchased the Silver Strategist bundle and the app crashed after the purchase. I re-opened the app and tried to do it again, but the bundle wasn’t in the store anymore and i didnt receive any tomes. It did look like the gold part of the pack went through, though.

  • Device Type: Smart phone
  • Device Model: Samsung Galaxy S20
  • Device Operating System: Android
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: 2.0

Same and also when I closed and updated my app hoping it would fix it I lost all my gold. So I dropped from 4k gold to 45 in some de sync.
No tomes no gold now

Same with Lordaeron Loot pack,b ut my gold become minus -xxx. After reopen from 7xx gold, it shows 50 g. huh

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Same, I’ve had two crashes now after purchases confirming identity with Google Play and returning to the game. Got the Hogger pack for 4.99 and r received gold but no tomes.

Same here…. So far I had ZERO tomes activated/used as in never ever got the pop up window to choose between two units who gets the xp. I’m over 40 sigils, so I earned quite a lot of tomes thru progression, also bought some packs and tomes with gold; and I never got the tomes…

Wrote ticket where support told me to log out (like duh I did that several times already) make sure game is updated (yes it is). And if that doesn’t help write on forum… Like wth….
Basically useless and they don’t do anything about correcting their issues when I even have paid for some and did not got any tomes…

This in unfair practice and simply shows they do not care… I will give it one more day and refind everything if they don’t solve it, it’s already the third day…

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Same here with the Lordaeron pack. Got gold no tomes. Restarted a few times. Restarted my whole phone, just in case. Still nothing. Confirmed it went through on google pay.

ditto, received gold, no tomes

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I opened a ticket and the GM that responded says that the order was completed but wait 72 hours? Same generic crap. There is no system in the world that delivers half the order instantly and the other half comes 3 days later in an online pay to progress game.

Did anyone else get their tomes?

Same, I bought the lordaeron pack that comes with mega tome for each faction but only received the gold and never the tomes… I did receive tomes from daily quests but note from the purchase. Logging in and out didn’t fix the issue. This is quite bad for a game based on in-app purchases and blizzard need to sort this out. The game is losing both sales and reputation in a rapid pace.

for anyone with this issue I found a workaround - just complete a daily tome quest and all the ‘queued’ tomes will redeem after the daily tome. This seems like a bug on their side, they need to implement some sort of ‘tome inventory’ to go and use these.


Just happened to me with the Ashenvale Cache. App crashed, logged back in to see the gold but no tomes. The Hogger one was delivered just fine.

Had the same issues as the rest here.
Went on a bit of a spending spree and bought first the lordaeron pack which i got everything fine from then followed by the Ashenvale and hogger packs both of which did not provide me with any tomes.
So i simply did what was recommended by Blizzard themselvs and turned to Google which pretty much instant accepted my requests for refunds due to not getting what was advertised in the store.

So my adivce is to simply refund the packs that bugged and didnt give you the promised tomes. As a customer i wont accept a 72 hour waiting period for an online purchase thats nothing but code and pixels

Same issue with the Ashenvale pack. App crashed on purchase confirmation, payment went through but no gold, no tomes, no nothing. Trying to repurchase gives an error message.

The exact same thing just happened to me but with the LORDAERON Loot bundle

Same thing happened to me with the Loardaeron bundle. Game crashed during purchase, purchase on Apples side went through. After logging back in, I had the gold but no tomes.

Same came crashed after i completed purchase, load it back up and only got the coins not the tomes for mini’s

How is there not a single reply from a blue? What kind of customer support is this? I’ve waited 5 days for a reply for my ticket for missing items, just to get a copy/paste reply telling me to wait 72 hours. You’re stealing from your player base and not making any efforts to fix it.

From a previous topic, but still applies here:

Purchased the Season 1 Rare Mini pack. Received the 1500 coins, but haven’t received the 13 Sylvanus Stars to make a rare.

  • Device Type: Mobile Device
  • Device Model: iPhone 10
  • Device Operating System: iOS 16.3.1
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version: 2.8.0

Same here, Hogger and Lordaeron pack only get gold, but no tombs…

I bought the Lordaeron pack and only received gold and I cannot open packs at all.