Patch Notes: Balance Changes

Patch Notes: Balance Changes

We’ve made some balance adjustments to Ragnaros, Ancient of War, Earth and Moon, Faerie Dragon and more. We’ve also adjusted the difficulty for Missions in Moonglade and the Winter Veil – Sleighing Season Quest.

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Thank you for making these positive changes.
If you could, please also keep eyes on Malfurion and the Lightning wood talent of ancient of war. Malfurion has been dominant in PvP, and the lightning wood talent made Bloodmage a joke, which is just unfair.
What I mean is that, there is only one Bloodmage, however, every other single hero can put a lightening wood in their deck easily. As long as the lightening wood is in the field, your components can do whatever they want, take all the golds, crash your tower, but all your spells go to the lightening wood. You may ask “where is your blood mage”? Well, we both know how easily to kill Thalnos when there are no spells to protect him.

Youve also appeared to have made every single quest far more difficult.

Very disappointed in Blizzard buffing Molten Core AGAIN. It really feels like they are trying their hardest to reach into my wallet to get me to pay for more levels, since these buffs simply make the game more inaccessible to F2P players and show that they don’t want us coming up with fun and interesting strategies like in their other games - they just want us paying for power instead.


What about ah the bugs plaguing the winter veil event? Will those be addressed before the new year?.. Will they be addressed before PaPa Trump’s presidency is over?

That’s the goal with these “gacha” games. It’s not about pleasing players. It’s not about retaining old players. It’s not about growing the game.

It’s about money. Big whales will remain because they’re addicted and will keep feeding Blizz. Milk the rest til they quit. New players will continue to join and give them the ability to grift more.

I hit that wall the other day and decided it’s best to find a new game. I don’t see this game having any longevity.