Map Fog on iPad

Same problem here with iPad Pro.
Several maps are unplayable including Sneed in the dungeon.

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Same problem here. Dead Mines UNPLAYABLE, itĀ“s frustrating to waste the two previous levels victory.

Playing on PC, using blue stacks. This problem persists since last patch.

I canĀ“t belive this hasā€™t been solved yet. Dissapointed.

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Sounds like the map fog fix is coming next week. Fingers crossed!

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Same here, ipad pro, latest ios

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How has this not been addressed yet? The foggy map issue is over a month old already. Some maps are completely unplayable. Please revert or fix whatever graphical change you did for this to have happened.

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I donā€™t understand why you keep adding new minis instead of fixing this crazy FOG bug which makes the game unplayable. Also there are a lot of other bugs still not being fixed.

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Excerpted from Warcraft Rumble community on Discord:

ā€˜ā€˜Aezztra [Blizzard] ā€” 03/04/2024 14:51
This is scheduled to be fixed in our next game update.
Aezztra [Blizzard] ā€” 03/04/2024 14:57
Looking at about a week for the next update.ā€™ā€™

This is also a problem on the Samsung Z fold 3.

Also a problem Here also on my iPad, last dungeon with the cloning miniā€™s had the fog for me to that was preeeettty annoying.

I just got the latest update and it seems to have fixed the problem of the fog. Iā€™m happy to have the bug fixed however Iā€™m disappointed in the poor communication and very long time it took to address this bug that made parts of the game unplayable over the past month.