Heroic devilsaur queen autofail

I’ve tried Devilsaur queen on heroic with two different armies, and my base is randomly self-destructing from full health within the first 90 seconds with literally no damage on my base and no enemies nearby. Once it happened with her first growl, but sometimes it happens even before then.

  • Device Type:Samsung
  • Device Model: Galaxy S21 ultra+
  • Device Operating System: android
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version:

I am having the same problem. There is no damage on my base, but when my units reach her, my base implodes.


Same issue this morning. Galaxy S9 running Android. Rumble build
Plague Farmer
Whelp eggs

And now I cant log in at all, it keeps flashing between the Blizzard splash screen and the Rumble loading screen.

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Same issue, base self destructs on first roar.


Exact same issue here. I have completed one other hero on this heroic but a while back. Today my base dies instantly with no damage done to it.



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I have the same issue, first roar and ny base is instantly destroyed no damage before what so ever.

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Same issue here, base is exploding after 30 to 45 seconds.

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I am having the same issue. Devilsaur queen keep destroying my tower without anything hitting the tower in Heroic difficultly. She is not roaring and moving forward through her phases. Causes auto defeat on first roar. I have tried with several different units and get the same fail.

  • Device Type:Samsung
  • Device Model: Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G
  • Device Operating System: Android 14
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version:
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I have the same problem as you guys, i try it befor update and then works.

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Same, I just tried Devilsaur Queen on heroic today for the first time and my base is instantly destroyed when she roars.

I thought this might be intentional as the description states… “When this Queen roars, she asserts her rule over her territory.” I figured the Hard Mission was timed but I guess it’s just bugged.

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Just to confirm, I downed her in under a minute and twenty seconds… so it is doable but will require much higher level minis to complete before the clock hits 2:10.

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I was also having login issues, but those corrected once I uninstalled and reinstalled. I’m still having issues with Devilsaur, though. I’ve beaten her with 3 armies prior to the last patch and never had this issue.

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had the same problem with the flashing. Had to clear cache and data then update from scratch.

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Having the same issue with Devilsaur Queen. The base explosion is triggered after you take an enemy tower and they take it back. If I had to guess, the tower ID’s get swapped somehow, so when the enemy takes its tower back, it thinks it’s your main base.

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Same problem. Devilsaur, insta kill my tower at 2:10 on first roar.

Same problem occured to me on iPhone 11 ios 17.

I have the same Problem. At the time of the first roar my Base got instantly destroyed without taking damage before. This happens when the dinosaur should move forward.

same issue, tower destroys itself after first roar.

Same issue, no damage to base, then boom base destroyed.