Heroic devilsaur queen autofail

Same here. Definitely a bug and not a feature. I guess I’ll just move on to other heroic battles until this one is fixed.

Same for me instant destroyed can u pls fix this??? Stuck in that Rumble

Yes im having the same issue. Itd be nice if it were fixed. Game has a lot of bugs and really going to start pushing user’s away.

Same issue here with the Devilsaur Queen on Heroic. When I kill her, my base gets auto destroy and I loose the battle. Tried with multiple armies.

Experiencing the same bug.

I just tried again, and this is still happening.

plusieurs fois quand je suis en pleine partie (la reine diablosaure), ma tour générale n’a pas été touchée et il me met en défaite à 2 min 09.
même si je suis sur le point de gagner et il me met en défaite avant de terminer le BOSS.
j’ai une requête d’ouverte et c’est le numéros #95902715

en attente de votre retour

Same error here, cannot do this level. The Roar destroys my base.

Same bug here. I think it’s after the last update. Because i finished her with 2 races before. Now, first roar blows up the base…

Just adding that I am having the same bug. Have beaten Devilsaur Queen on eveyone but Beast leader. At first I was trying with the new Cenarion and figured it wasn’t coded to let you beat heroic with the new faction. But it’s also happening with Old Murk Eye

Same issue, when the boss starts (at 2:15) the first “event” of destroy the first rune and tower you automatically lose

Same issues, first roar it kills a full base.

i have the same issue at 2:10

I played this again with Rend Blackhand just now, and it was fixed!

I’m with the same problem!

Same here. Tried numerous teams. Insta lose from full health when she roars.
Opened a ticket and was told to post here.