Cant claim reward for completed dungeon

In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:

  • Device Type: samsung
  • Device Model: galaxy s22+
  • Device Operating System: one ui 5.1
  • Warcraft Rumble App Version:

Tried all of the work arounds suggested in previous posts on the subject, completed dungeon on Tirion havent been able to claim reward or reset the dungeon for days


I am also having same problem I am on a 10th gen iPad and did dungeon with tirion and won’t let me claim hope there is a fix for us


Got same probleme with a samsung s23


Same here on:

Device Type: Google
Device Model: Pixel 7a
Device Operating System: Android 14
Warcraft Rumble App Version:

Device Type: Apple
Device Model: iPad Pro 2022 11"
Device Operating System: iPadOS 16.6.1


Same problem

Samsung s23

Here is the error.

It looked like the reward hit and then just never update and bow locked out like everyone else.

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Same problem here on a s22 :roll_eyes:

Same problem on my Iphone

Tengo el mismo problema

I have the same problem, please help <3

Same error here. Claimed first two dungeon rewards for Turion, swapped back to him like others have suggested. Will not let me claim the final reward. Quite frustrated

Same issue here.

After reading the history of this bug being posted and discussed for literally months in the pre-launch, with no response, communication, or fix from Blizz, I can’t say I have a lot of hope they’re going to do anything, at least not soon. Best solution seems to be to delete the app and forget it ever existed, then stick to games made by companies that communicate and quickly rectify and compensate for their errors. No point keeping an account that is permanently locked out of dungeons.

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everyone in here i did put a support ticket in for my self so i will let yall know if they give me a fix or any answers

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I did it yesterday and they told me they dont verified the bug yet… how can this be after over a month of reports?

Same problem here. Iphone 12

I got a solution that i found Youtube.
Go to Army screen, swap leaders some times, and select the leader you were using in the dungeon before going to dungeon. This should fix the bug.


Im having the same issue samsung s20fe. My tirion did level up during the dungeon run, and im curious if that had caused the bug

Did not fix the problem for me and for pretty much most people. Lets give this game a 1 star at the app store for attention.

Quite an unfortunate bug seeing as we cant even reset the dungeon and lose out on a relatively long amount of ‘play’ time.

Samsung S22 Ultra
One UI 5.1

You might of changed your leader for PvP or Quest, after finishing a stage of the dungeon, but not claim the prize.

The during beta/soft launch the solution to this issue was to equip your leader as the leader you went into the dungeon originally as, then try claiming the reward.

Same problem here Hope the best​:crown::gem::fire:

Redmi note 11