A chill is in the air. Can you feel it? A remorseless winter is upon us and a fearsome new Leader is blowing in on the northern winds. Careful not to catch Frost fever!
Ok! Tell us! Will we have Ice crown as a new part of the map? Or raid?
More troops and leaders are great but we definitely need a new raid. MC came last May. So roughly 9 months ago. Sieges are great but we need something more. Can finish either one of the Sieges in about 10 minutes. We also need an incentive for guild members to play together over playing with randoms. The only reason to be in a guild now is for the social aspect. Also would like the ability to play other leaders after beating a boss in raids and sieges so you can try new strategies.
If you only released a new hero without a new Raid and new maps, it is very possible that you will loss more players…
So pls be careful if you are not ready to bring the game something special.
Meh, I’d prefer them to eliminate Gnomeregan and
replace it with two new dungeons.