Would you be angry if Reforged got delayed 2020?

March-April would be fine

Any later than summer would be bad

but I dont think it will get delayed… Im thinking beta releases in November or December, with full launch no more than 1-2months after that

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I would happily wait a month or 2 longer and get a complete and polished game rather than getting it on the promised release date and have it being incomplete.


That Miyamoto quote is great. It was exactly what I was thinking as well.

Two possible scenarios:

Rushed Reforged:
“Arthas, your father enjoyed this game for 70 dog years. You’ve ground it to dust in a matter of days.”

Delayed Reforged:
Fun in 2040


Yes, I would be more forgiving if they actually gave us more news but since they don’t care about us I don’t care about them.


it better be late and polished that early and unpolished.

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No, I wouldn’t be annoyed. If anything it’d give me hope for Blizzard.

Just don’t delay it TOO long.

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Depends on the state of it when we see beta… if it’s full of bugs, then I’d be more angry if they released it now.

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No, Because it’s merely in an Alpha state that they want to disguise it as Beta build. If we are going to see a communication this time it would be actually for the best but if similar to what it’s happening then either getting released this year or later it will yet have unpolished and really rough and rusty edges.

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nah…in fact i’d probably say they should push for 2020 at this point…or else we’re not gonna get as many people as you think. they really gotta market this game…RTS is NOT a popular genre right now, especially in America…

So no i wouldn’t be upset personally.



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I can wait for a better game. But i think Blizzard should have some gifts for the ones who bought (pre order) this game within the time they promise to release this game in 2019. I mean some exclusive hero skins or buildings, game menu etc … It will be fair for the fan who waiting for this project,in addition its not take a lot of effort to calm down any angry crowd out there


There are to ifs for me:

  1. If they release a playable beta for every preorderer that really gets updates weekly I might not be pissed that much.
  2. If they’ll go the route of only delaying I’ll be in rage.

First releasing and then polishing is always better and I don’t think Blizzard will delay it in any case since the beta just needs rigging and optimization fixes right now, also employees(William) says they are working on patches that will come after Reforged so safe to say it will not be delayed, they’ll probably just fix out the rigging issues and release the optimized for public beta soon too anyway.


because nobody wants it.


Correction: The number of people who want it exists, but it’s much, much lower than the number of people who happily play World of Warcraft.

Alrighty, honest question’ll get an honest answer.
Yes, yes I would be angry.

One does not ask for money when one cannot deliver on that which is promised in return.
They put the game up for pre-order and then set the maximum possible release date for it in advance.
If the game was not in such a state fit to be released within said time period then it should not have been put up for pre-order.

Buy now! Get the spoils of war editiion! and play the game some time prior to 1/1/2020.
It’s a deal you see, a trade, an exchange, a bargain, a… “promise” if you will.
For those that have already payed, we’ve upheld our end of the bargain.

Now, if blizz hadn’t put money into the equation and hadn’t said BUY NOW, then everything’d be on the level just like with Nintendo and Metroid.
But they did, so here we are.

So if they fail to deliver on time well, with everything that’s been going on, then it tells us that blizzard is no longer true to it’s word.
That it, is a company that cannot be trusted by it’s own customers.

And the very idea of pre-ordering from blizzard ever again will become laughable at best and insulting at worst.


I would be very disappointed since it has been nearly a year since the day it was told in BlizzCon. At least the web page states it will be released in or before New Year’s Eve. If it passes that date, then in a buyer-seller relationship move, Blizzard should include a remedy or something to appease the anger of many customers. I pre-purchased mine after BlizzCon. I wouldn’t be mad, but disappointed? Yes.


MajorHngover, I do. And I sincerely think 80% of the people who are hyped up about Reforged would be 10 times more hyped up about Warcraft IV if it was happening.

I also think 50% of the Wc3 lovers would have prefered Blizzard to continue the story in WC IV after Frozen Throne and in a different way than it is in WoW.

Heck, if we’re talking about statistics, I’d be really curious about the results of a hypothetical Poll on this forum with the question “Do you think Warcraft 3 needs a remake/remaster?” with the options a) Yes. and b) No. Listen to “Just the way you are” by Bruno Mars :slight_smile:

Follow the story after the Frozen Throne would have been nice…


Yep! I’m not a scriptwriter myself but I can think of so many ways to recreate the story after Frozen Throne. That’s why I love the lore in RTS games, especially in WC3, cause it can be so fluid, you just need a very good imagination (perhaps patience and reading a lot of fantasy books as well).

square-enix did the same thing with kingdom hearts 3. they set a december 31 2017 release date i believe and the game was released 2 years later.