You’re right that what i suggested isn’t exclusively the main problem, but it is a contributing factor.
It doesn’t really change that i would’ve liked to see screenshots of people telling you its impossible to enjoy this game. lol.
Also side note, dont ever bring in a conversation like “people tell me its impossible to enjoy the game” then expect me to reply to that, i have no part in that, this doesn’t concern me because i didn’t tell you its impossible to enjoy the game.
If you want to bring things that “surrounding people” have said that you dont like, i can bring up so many things similarly that i dont like into a conversation with you so much you’d that would throw up.
I dont care if some people told you its impossible to enjoy the game. and i dont even believe for a second that you can muster up any reasonable amount of evidence track to prove this is any more than such a minority that i could count on my fingers.
Almost half of all “i never said that” comments ive read throughout my internet presence have just tried to deflect an accusation that was never thrown at them to begin with.
I was paraphrasing you, this is the part where it gets tricky to trust people to argue in good faith or not. but sure, if you want to be uptight it is what it is.
However, if you cut the sentence and leave it with “Well i dont have this issue” only, it still has the same effect that i was trying to explain above.
In the ideal world Blizzard would parse everything out themselves, but we are so far away from any ideal situation, so far away from any appropriate and good QA support, so far away from any legit care, that in my opinion in specific situation where you comment certain things under peoples threads, you’re actually, genuinely not providing anything fruitful other than stating you dont have the problem.
When a thread is made for someone to discuss their problem, let them discuss, their problem.
I dont think their attempt to fix this problem was related to the FPS issue, its more complicated than that, they tried to fix the animated textures for classic which happens for everyone. the problem is, their attempt at fixing this caused fps problems.
So no your example was just wrong.
This issue is not fixed, yet they claim it is. good job lizzards.
There is no real QA for RF, and we both know that
Ive rarely seen you investigate problems for Reforged that are meaningful in a deep way, most of your reports and bugfinding has essentially been of insignificant quality or some very basic and barebones thing that the simplest of people could figure out on themselves.
Normally, as an avid bughunter i would never talk down to any person finding the smallest of things, but there is a difference between “any person” and someone who’s gloating about what they’ve found even though its never been anything significant and then claim people should appreciate you for it.
People should appreciate the guy who made a video literally explaining the entire mdx1100 problem for Blizzard but they ignore him. and he doesn’t even gloat about it. Thats next level.
Focusing on the problem itself is 1 billion times more fruitful in the CURRENT STATE OF REFORGEDs development than being an eyesore under peoples threads.
Ideally, CaptainJack would be right, but like i highlighted above, we are not in an ideal scenario, we are trying to bargin the future of our game with little more than sticks and harshlanguage. as Kael would put it.
And i for one believe there is no way we dont get our problems overlooked by an already watered down and careless service that blizzard has shown for this game because we aren’t even able to catapult our problems to blizzard, problems that do exist but not everyone is having, because people like CptJack just keep repeating the same fruitless thing over and over again.
Mind you, this idea i have is not exclusively the main contributor, like BrotherRoga said, its a partial contributor, but the debate got so big because someone denied that it even exists.