Why did you change it to double tap to get the camera focus on idle workers?
This is so ridiculous. I can’t even switch fast to multiple idle workers because of this stupid double tapping. I have to give a break between them which is really annoying.
We have been using this this basic function over 20 years and nobody was unhappy about it. Who in the world made this stupid suggestion?
I can’t believe how you guys generate a problem out of nothing.
This is so ridiculous and uncomfortable. Please roll it back.
Might as well just roll the whole thing back and allow people to just play 1.3 and everybody will be happy, honestly.
They did it for no reason. It was absolutly fine, nobody was suffering, only a bunch of noobs shouted out this idea, and they listened. They just need to implement option in menu that disables this feature. Ez pz jpnz
I do agree it’s very annoying. Single tap was usefeul if you want to build something quickly during fight. Why would you chage something that was working just fine for 20+ years and forcing to change players’ habits for less convinient mechanic?
I understand it’s because assigned groups requires double tap but old solution was much better. You have double tap for units/heroes because otherwise it would mess up your micro with camera snaps. But for idle workers single tap makes perfect sense - they are usually in different area than your army and if you select them it most likely means you want the camera to snap to your base to make a building anyway so why bother with double tap?
Yeah I agree this is annoying. I also agree that, if someone actually asked for this, that it simply be made an option in the menu.
This is annoying me too, it should be at least optional in the options menu.
It slows players down.
It’s copied from SC2 so screen doesnt jump around so much, but its terrible design if screen doesnt jump to worker since game takes longer to play, since you must spend time looking for your idle workers. Please revert it back!
They should have just left these changes for the WC3R people and left the OG 2002 version the hell alone…
Reforged people are the ones that wanted updates and changes…not the OG crowd…new menus are horrendous
+1 to reverting idle worker functionality back to pre 2.0
exactly that is a dream come true.
that requires effort to understand the game and play. As I said they don’t care and clueless.
I can tell you why, and he admitted it on stream.
They need to just make it an option like everything else, 1 or 2 presses.
Yea. I mean there is a reason, MAC has no double click (nor any new systems with touch). But it offers an option if you prefer it. Even windows offers to change the double click behaviour. But these are not even games, in games I click much more already…
I imagine the change was due to feedback from that known player. But from my point of view who actually changed this without giving a (n advanced) workaround(!), has not played the game in PvP. Giving a feedback for the sake of suggesting or just talking is a different story.
Having it work like it does in SC2 would be better than this change:
All taps move through the idle workers. Ctrl+click snaps the camera.
Its unreal that they change things have worked perfectly for more than 20 years without any reason.
But we are lucky, at least idle workers can still be selected.
I was on of the first to notice this thing and it really makes macro uncomfortable and slower than it should be. This has to be reverted or given the option in the Menu to select worker normally
why did they remove “Total score” in the post game lobby, now you cant easily see anymore who was #1 according to points. I hope its not because they want to make everyone feel they are a winner.
My money is on they wana make everyone feel like a winner…come on its Blizzard we are talking about lol…
Just look at what they did to the Horde ffs…
I really hate him serioulsy
Agree, feedback to Blizz: Would you please not change the core mechanics but offer an alternative in the options?
Perhaps you can offer it via kind of a settings.txt for advanced users? In case you did not want to bloat the options (MY GUESS). The new feature is personally of no use to me - if a worker is idle I want to know where (obviously I forgot about it) and immediately give it a command which in 99% of cases is nearby… be it to harvest wood, gold, build next farm or else.
Why the new change is bad or rather said should have an option:
It doesn’t fit as described below. First of all Double click in the long run is much more strain and flow wise, we are playing a game here with lots of clicks and not controlling windows. Furthermore, workers are not like your army hotkey or hero where you (should…) know where it is and when you might send it via minimap or clicking on the minimap to give specific commands (attack buildings ahead, or send back base or next creep camp); like that is the usage that is suggested here for the new F8! BUT workers are not army, instead it’s a very simple function to fix your macro mistake or lack of 400 APM not allowing to shift them back every time during battle etc, or you don’t wanna waste 80…180 gold for a queued farm etc. Last but not least this is what people are used to.
I am sorry when you took the tip from top 1% player who doesn’t make any macro mistakes, but TBH that’s obviously not what this button is designed for originally. There can be a lot of trouble and this button was designed to help with it - thus the default behaviour should be IMO: Where is idle worker.
PS: And again it’s very confusing to just have it changed, might aswell reverse camera dragging direction. (edit, not quite that weight ofc)