Who wants Reforged to be delayed?!

so your argument is ‘’ why you don’t make your own rts ‘’
ok purist


Does that sound familiar to you? Oh yeah, it’s the same type of retarded troll on the forum that knows absolutely jack sh*t about game development, they hear that an old game is getting remastered and they jump on the forum pretending they know everything and demand changes on everything, when they don’t even know how to read. Warcraft THREE. So mister progresser, why don’t you get your own kind to make an RTS if you know so much about how to make a game?


What is this vast majority?

Why would anyone who hates WC3 care about a WC3 ‘remake’? You are not making sense here.

That is like saying Lion King remake is great because of ‘vast majority like Realistic CG’ and pretending no one cares about the original. There is no basis behind that.


Dude this is a remake,i explained 9999 times for the people that understand the things slow like you.


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cuz is a remake and not remastered? duh?

Probably his inner insecurities speaking out on the internet.


It is not a remake. It is Reforged. It is not a remaster, it is Reforged.

That definition means Blizzard isn’t tied to having to make new gameplay or stick to old graphics style, they are free to do any mix they choose.

And they never planned to update the gameplay even at announcement.

and reforged mean remake.
now you have 1 iq more.

So in your brilliant mind, if it’s a ‘remake’ why is it still called Warcraft 3 then? You can’t seriously be this dumb. You have to be trolling.
Let me put it straight to your simple mind: Upkeep, low army and powerful units with lots of health is what defines warcraft 3. If you take these things away, it’s not warcraft 3, it’s a glorified starcraft. Does your progressive EGO understand that?

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If it is remake then where is the new gameplay?

Your IQ is so high

He probably sees in his mind, a Command & Conquer with orcs, humans and elves :rofl:

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For example resident evil 2 is remake, but resident evil doesn’t name as resident evil 2: remake. Only resident evil 2. Duh.

the gameplay is about movement and response, for example if you play sc2 you know what i mean, but you can’t think too much as i see.

Yes, but those have new gameplay. They are remakes because they have new gameplay.

So where is Reforged’s new gameplay? You are calling it a remake but there is no new gameplay, so is it really a remake?

It is like you calling a cat a dog because it has fur and a tail, and saying the cat should bark. Well if it’s not barking and clearly not a dog, why do you insist calling it a dog? A cat is not a dog, and Reforged does not have and never will have new gameplay different from Warcraft 3.

Ok im done. i don’t wanna waste the time like this.
Such a low level troll, keep think about your dogs and cats. lucky with that.

You obviously have no idea that this game is being played competitively and the pathing is what defines the strategies and the micro. Zero idea that the pathing creates things like surrounds and micro.

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Not a troll at all.

You seem to think it’s a remake but nothing suggests Reforged would ever have the gameplay changed, even from announcement.

You say it should have SC2 controls, but who even said this was planned? Not even Blizzard. It is you simply drawing that conclusion.

Reforged never planned to remake the gameplay, and it never called itself a remake.

If you don’t play Warcraft 3 or Reforged, then you need to take a good look at what this game is rather than thinking what you want it to be. Otherwise you are buying the wrong game.

I forgot, starcraft 2 is not competitive and warcraft iii is very e-sport and have tons of tournaments.

Actually yes, Warcraft 3 still has many tournaments being played today.

You seem to not know this?

I dont expect people like you to understand that this game was made in 2002 and that it created the MOBA genre from it’s pathing and engine. Imagine comparing the viewers of a game like SC2 that was specifically made to be an e-sport, to a game from 2002. Yes the game still has a healthy e-sports community especially in asia, and there’s tons of tournaments each week ( Check Back2Warcraft rather than spewing spergery on the forums).