It seems that a lot of people are playing this already…would those be the beta testers?
How long will it be before us joe-averages can get our hands on it?
It seems that a lot of people are playing this already…would those be the beta testers?
How long will it be before us joe-averages can get our hands on it?
Expected to be released by 12-31-2019.
And who is playing Reforged? The base game has always been available to play.
There’s no release date yet. It actually feels like Blizzard has quietly canceled this remake.
Yeah, if you buy Reforged you can play the Classic version right now.
It supports a new widescreen HUD and uncapped fps, so it actually plays really good. (Up until somewhat recently, it was 4:3 stretched on widescreen with capped frame rate.)
I think it’s worth checking out the original game and learning the mechanics before reforged releases. WC3 is by far one of the greatest RTS games of all time, not even talking nostalgia factor.
I’m pretty sure they didn’t. They just had stuff advertising about it in China.
They will probably have a bunch of new information during blizzcon in November.
20 characters.
Ask to the user Ababmer, he knows for sure!
Wasn’t the original claim back when pre-order popped up for last year “This game WILL release before 12/31/2019”? Are they pushing that back now?
Nah thwy just leaked models in china
I think it’s going to be November for the beta
November is the deadline, I should expect beta at September for a deadline release since Blizz mostly uses around 3 months of time for betas atleast and ptrs use 1 month
What makes november the deadline for realise?
x_ , Posted and confirmed by Archian which is under NDA and has to give accurate information.
When you ask? This year.
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t taken advantage of the massive Classic WoW hype train to help push WC3:R a little more. Huge mistake of the marketing department, does that ship even have a captain anymore? If so he’s completely asleep at the wheel.
The old version of Warcraft 3 is playable to all who has pre-ordered Reforged. There is no one yet who can play Reforged.
My guess is that they’re just waiting for Classic to be out and for it’s hype to go down, and then release Reforged news and start hype for that. That just sounds like the smart way to go, spread out the hype and keep it lasting for as long as possible.
My theory is that they will release RoC (with multiplayer tFT avalibe) around the deadline of November and later on release the Frozen Throne Campaigns later on. That way they could get a nice finished version of both of the Campaigns.
There will be no ROC and TFT, there will be Warcraft: Reforged all content in one game.
Yes, they did say that they are one item, but releasing them at different times would make it so that we can get the first part into our hands sooner, it’d be a win on both sides.