And that has me wondering, just what exactly do we get if we pre-purchase, besides the things in other games that I don’t care about. I already have a copy of the original RTS game on my profile and expansion. Does this mean I would have a second copy?
Can I just download the original copy and play that with updated resolution support now? Or is that something that only comes with purchasing the HD-Remaster?
If I can play the RTS in widescreen at least at 1080p or even better at 4k, that would be fantastic. Even more so since Classic is less than a week away now.
I think preorder gets some hero skins and the rest comes with the Spoils of War edition.
Yes, you can download and play the original with the resolution support, so things are no longer stretched when playing on higher resolutions. The main menu still has black bars on the sides and I think certain screens do as well, but in game it does not.
No you are not. They cut off support for ROC netplay a while ago. I suspect they’re working on bnet updates beneath the hood in that section. But time will tell.