What's your favorite custom map?

It’s hard to know what counts as good feedback if you don’t have someone chime in and acknowledge they read it. Or FFS have a button that a CM can click that gives the topic like a blue circle on it. That essentially would mean “I’ve read this”.

how come communication with us right after release turned into a total ignoring?

Yeah, those of us who know better, because you clearly don’t.

Go back under your bridge.

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  1. A custom version of RP maps. Of the publicly released ones, DoBII

  2. Wintermaul Wars

  3. DBZ Tribute

  4. Enfos MT

People have been complaining for months prior to release. What did we get ? Absolutely nothing, complete silence. Game is now released, guess what ? More people are playing the game and massively complaining. What are getting ? Silence.

That’s the CM’s job to keep the community informed. He isn’t doing any of that. As you can see, he only has 8 posts ever.


Oh, don’t disagree. I know my post sound like I’m defending the situation, but I’m merely passing info along. Truth be told, I believe Bliz has the worst communication culture. And it’s not just Warcraft; it’s across all game. Some franchises are better than others, but they all are lacking.

I can see how that might be helpful, but imaging any threads/posts that didn’t get the circle, for any reason: forgot, didn’t have time to before it slipped way down into obscurity, slipped through the cracks. That would lead to some focal resentment worse than what’s spread around now!

Again, the CM doesn’t make the statements, he only relays them to the community. He can’t post what blizzard internal doesn’t write. The CM has to make sure that any words they output about any issue with the game are true and accurate etc. before he/she can post on issues.

so im supposed to spend hours on end into troubleshooting, collecting data and getting a posting up with as much information as possible just based on good faith, because someone might potentially read it or not before it gets buried between 500 other unanswered reports? good faith in blizzard with a beta getting released as final version with the campaign tacked on, with unfixed beta issues dating back as much as several months?

sorry, not my cup of tea. either theres appreciation for the free troubleshooting work some of us do, or theres no free work.


On the forums, correct. Another often repeated credo in the Customer Support forum, by Bliz, is that all the forums are technically player-to-player help desks, even the support forums. They are not official contact points with Bliz. So anything posted isn’t guaranteed a response. That’s the intended nature of the forums.

That seems to have gone of on to different topic of Bliz not fixing everything little thing that every single person posts. There are so many variables that most users are not privy to.

A couple of examples: No matter how many people report something, or how severe it is, if it can’t be reproduced in-house, there’s no way to pin point where to start working on it. That results in time costing experimentation. If a root cause is found, its solution may not be simple, requiring complete rewrites that both fix the issue and at the same time doesn’t break other parts of the game. Also, everything is prioritized. we may see things that are egregious to our eyes, but we don’t know what other, higher priority issues which are far worse exist that must be addressed first.

That’s a common sentiment. But it often stems from just not knowing enough about what’s going on that we can’t see.

Don’t mean to be disrespectful. But how come we hadn’t gotten any community managers replying to us during the critical stage of the beta? Thanks.

The developers are the keepers of all information. They dictate what internal information is discussed, released, etc publicly. If a CM has been given nothing to pass along, there’s nothing to tell the community. Think of them as messengers only, middlemen.

This is very typical in Blizzard community guidelines fashion; they’ve done this for years in the WoW forums.

Stop posting here.
You guys released a garbage version of what you promised.

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Makes sense. Although it would’ve helped if they could pass along the constructive feedback and concerns from the community all this time. Instead of that, we were met with radio silence for a year long.

He shouldnt have posted at all given the situation. When I was young and naive, I used to hope and pray they would release a remastered D2 that would give me that feeling back again. After this, I hope and pray to everything I know doesnt exist they never touch it, because everything they touch turns to garbage.

Hey you guys want a remastered D2?!

Uhh noooooo, please we’re good, thank you! leave us alone, go play with CoD or Overwatch or some BS

My Fav gotta be the ones that aren’t broken in one way shape or form which worked perfectly in classic, and those that aren’t extremely basic ones that a 10 yo map maker can create.

oh wait i didn’t find any. sorry i’ll head out.

Find and cite anything here where Bliz used the word promise. Not plans, or hopefulness, or intent for a game in its development stages.

No, “promise” is only the word the community conjures up when development plans change. In fact, historically, Bliz (and many other entities) are careful not to use definitives for exactly that reason.

It’s fine that you don’t like the direction it took, but don’t delude yourself about it. Keep rational.

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Seeing it’s part of their job, I’m sure they did pass it from us to the developers. What’s often historically and culturally missing is the communication from them back to us.

That’s a damn shame. Personally with this release I feel like they haven’t heard any of our feedback.

That’s very common sentiment across all their games unfortunately.