What the hell, blizzard?

We were promised * Over 4 hours of reforged cutscenes * and

  • Visuals rebuilt from the ground up *

And now you want us to ignore the fact that you won’t be doing any reshape or any new animation beyond the first one and the last one, because ‘’ we heard the feedback ‘’. STOP JUSTIFYING YOUR LIES AND LAZINESS.
I’ll admit, the new models look great, and I will gladly play again Warcraft 3 with this new graphics. But you promised so much more than this. This sounds more like a Remaster than a Reforged. You won’t redo the animations, why? You won’t create the same cutscenes that we saw and loved last year, why?
You know what this feels like? Like, that you are following Bethesda’s and Fallout 76 example. Empty promises, stupid excuses, and wanting to release faster for a quick cash in. We don’t deserve this. We are faithful fans, and we would accept a late release if you say that it would take longer to deliver what you promise. Hell! We would applaud you for accepting that you won’t be able to release all that you promised and make us wait more if that means that we eould get it. But this … this is betrayal.


Sorry, they had to invest time and money in genders swaps - female models, animations and voice lines.
It has the highest priority for them


Why do options upset you?
You’ll still get male death knights. They’re not removing them from the game. The model just isn’t published yet.


I like how this is the minorities biggest complaint. You guys completely put the cutscene thing under the bridge.

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It’s simple. Animations in War3R need to be the same as in Original W3 so the players that have the original game could play with W3R players.
If one or another game has different animations and this could possibly be an advantage in MP.

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Then indeed it’s just a massive reskinned version of the original game. Which I assume is mostly artwork. And even that is outsourced. How disappointing. Where’s the new content?


They’re hiring. If you’re not lazy and think you know what’s best go do it for us.

They removed promised features because of some political reasons (yeah - sjw lgbt bs is political reasons).
They spent time and budget to gender divercity


Man they did a warcraft film just for you. Stop being annoying, if you want to watch a film go find one.

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Totally agree with you, they are blaming the players for their laziness


I think having the gender option is great, but when they have they then fcked up on what they promise is fcking stupid. Why the f*ck did they put the resource on something as useless as that and not create the game thats going to be fix so it connects correctly to wow as they promise.


I don’t want a film, I want the features that they promised! They showed us new cutscenes like the one of The Culling, wich looked great, showing us more details and promised the whole game like that. And now they say that all of that won’t be in the game because “we had feedback that they didn’t wan’t to”? That’s lazy. Its not about what I want, its about what they promised to us. We paid for Warcraft Reforged, not for Warcraft 3 with only new models and everything else the same.


You’re right. But he’s talking about the cutscenes, not the ingame animations.

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In reponse to this thread:

I am too lazy to write everything in here but this new interview should provide enough details for you all.
Back2Warcraft Interview

It shows that many of the changes shown in Blizzcon 2018 are still making it into Reforged from the current time in the video onward.

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This isn’t even true. They said at blizzcon animations have been changed but they have the same data as original so they work with classic.

I really doubt that’s the reason.

Please tell me more since you obviously have insider info at Blizzard Headquarters!

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