Why are there people here complaining about people criticizing the state of the beta of a game that is supposed to launch in approximately 4 weeks? The whole goal of a beta is to test graphics from the get go to further improve optimisation on different specs. I played a lot of beta from Ultima Online to todays most recent games and you don’t just launch a game in a month without testing graphical optimisation and bugs that might occur on this side.
The graphics aren’t good now and people have the right to complain about it. Even I played a lot of WC3 but todays remasters, even Age of Empires II, have better UI and improve on graphics and AI. We need this and not the same game with amateurish HD reskins.
No,They haven’t cause it makes no sence - Graphics will be improved obviosly at release date,even Blizzar confirmed that they have 2 different builds. But these toxics giving a pure hatred instead of feedback about real and important problems reforged have,wich shouldn’t be ignored
Wait, I’m sorry “amateurish HD reskins.” ? the studio that created this might not be the best in the world, but their models are really good. The only thing lacking of what they have given is animation, which is very difficult to pull off (not that that is an excuse)
But no sorry, they are great models, their topology is good, there is no stretching in the textures, and everything model wise looks fantastic. If you want to call it amateurish, please explain exactly what in the meshes are technically lacking?
I’ve already mentioned it before,but toxics like you are look like a line in fast-food restourant,waiting for their burger to be ready,and when the employee gives you a bonus as a small burger (not the one you’ve wanted,cause he’s cooking it right now) you’re telling him that this burger is not what you’ve wanted.And you screaming at him like a psycho,even known that your true burger is almost ready
…I don’t completely know what your point is? The reforged models look much better than that. So you’re kind of using a strawman to counter my argument, your not actually stating why they are bad.
And, if you really think that those models look simillar…I don’t know what to tell you. The reforged textures are clearly superior, they are clear, the facial details are well done, the anatomy for the orcs are fantastic, the armor looks great for the humans, like really all models overall are fantastic.
You’re really not explaining exactly why you think these are bad models. You’re simply restating that the’re bad, because blizzard outsourced them to a company. Have…you seen what this company has created model wise? their asset creation looks really processional, and great.
But either way man, if that’s how you feel, then that’s that. Stop following the game then.
But here’s their website in case you haven’t seen what they’ve made: Xhttps://www.lemonskystudios.com/
I don’t troll,I give you my opinion. And you’re acting like a selfish rasist,judging a game that hasn’t even came out yet and of course it’s unfinished
The difference between a DEMO and a BETA. Honestly, you can’t really know what the polished version is gonna be like until they actually release the game or you get further in the beta process.
Look from what I can see if you bring the camera closer the models look kinda grainy. From far away they would look good, but the camera is still way too close and the field of view makes them look way too big in our screen. They are far more detailed, but just a little bit too much for that zoom to even give 'em a fair look. If they weren’t detailed as to appear more reaslistic and just cartoony as the Warcraft universe has always been I think it would have been better.
Now even with a good computer all maxed out and 144 FPS the characters are just out of place. I would have liked a different approach.
Yeah, the forums are flooded with complaints about the graphics. Honestly, th graphics have not been fixed yet, and I doubt they’ll even look at it before they got all the gameplay/lag etc. bugs fixed. They’re not gonna focus on cosmetics before playability lol.
Yeah,Models and the game itself looks amazing…But they’re want to ruin it and turn it into Warcraft III Reign of Chaos 2.0.
They already ruined our chance to see WoW lore and cutscenes with VO…Now they wanna ruin our graphics…Then they will rin our customization with female
They will kill the game,cutting content piece by piece until there’s nothing left and a game is just an ugly abomination for purists only
Great thank you for that reply, it makes me understand completely where your coming from. What you’re actually saying is that you don’t like the approach that was taken in the art direction that Blizzard decided on, but you still do understand that the models and assets are much more detailed, and better designs than the previous.
That is completely understandable. Unfortunately, I doubt blizzard will change the art style, as it seems they are trying to go more of a cinematic route with the models. Currently, it’s strange to me the approach that their taking with the lighting. Currently there’s a clash in aesthetic between the environment and units, and I think it’s mainly just because the ground is to saturated. Hopefully Blizzard fixes it though.
I am actually personally a big fan of the aesthetic they went with for the models, I just feel they need to follow through with the same style for the environment as well. But of course, that is only how I feel from the aesthetically stand point of the game. Either way I am really looking forward to playing the campaign again.