“ whats the point of a new engine though “
Yeah,What’s the point of a new engine,toxic?
But that doesn’t require a new engine.
That is a deliberate choice to keep the AI and the pathing exactly the same. They could change it for Warcraft 3; consider that custom maps can have better AI programmed in if you want. Same as selection limit. These are not engine limitations.
The only difference really comes from the hardcoded aspects like using square collision over round collision, and frankly no one who plays Warcraft 3 wants that changed.
Obviously, you are not a Warcraft 3 player. You are SC2 player, so that is why you want it. If you want Reforged then you have to play Warcraft 3.
The current 2003-engine is a worthless of time.
The 2003 engine is bad in every way, graphics and gameplay.
If you wanna improve sure you can, but is more re-make the engine because is too old.
So as you can see they only improve the models but everything suck except the models. Thats the reason why you dont improve a old thing, is basically delete the old one and create a new one.
The idea was very dumb, they should use the sc2 engine And improve it for wc3 and not this old one.
They use the old engine because the purist from 2018 love the wc3 engine just because there is a few people playing the same game for more than 10 years, but they are a minority and now blizzard send beta key to more people and as you can see everyone get rage about the decisions.
My version has some kind of shadows:
Yup,you don’t understand a thing about Remasters if you ask to use horrible sc2 engine for a remaster…Selfish toxic
Most fake shadow i ever seen
It does but what I’m talking about is more about the in-game lighting being used.
You can see in the original post that the bottom image also has shadows, but you can barely make them out because the lighting is so washed out. You’d have to zoom in like in your screenshot to see them, they are very faint. In the top image, the shadows are very prominent.
The angle of the lighting in the top image is more from the side, so you see longer shadows being cast. The bottom image is more top-down, so everything looks more even and bright. I am unsure if the lighting changes dynamically to the day/night cycle in Reforged, I have not played any games yet only messed around with the editor.
I see, but maybe could be the light source that is more high up? Older one has longer shadows, maybe the sun is down on the horizon. I agree that they also should be darker to be more visible?
Why do you think the only shadow that create the sun it’s on the floor dude? You never go to the real world?
Thank you. I never understood that. I really appreciate your effort trying to educate me, you re a cool guy.
Selfish,Anoying toxic…The only thing that matters to use is some things that you will get either way.You don’t care about the importance of an Old engine to Reforged…
Is very easy educate you.
See this video Warcraft III Reforged: Night Elf Units Preview - YouTube
Are from wowhead, they use more advanced shadow, reflection and light.
Now go to the game and see the models, compare both.
WoWhead lighting is really bad
So, is not a change in graphics, is just lights up and lights down?
Yes it is,models are the same
How can I play with the bottom image graphics?
Wheter you believe or not, the lack of colors is what drove me away from Starcraft 2
I hope you have a 500 USD monitor if you are talking about the image.
Apologies, it’s a bit hard to understand exactly what you mean, I’ll try to explain in a different way:
Basically, the dynamic range is different in the two, it’s like the top one is using an overcast weather type of image as it’s light, while the second one is using an extremely saturated and bright midday image, which is taking away all shadows due to how bright it is. If they change the lighting it will no longer look so weird, in fact once lighting is fixed I think the game will look fantastic.
I’ll try to reply to your comment as well…With lighting going up and down? I’m going to guess you meant saturation, but either way, I’ll just explain what happens when lights go up and down and what happens to shadows so there’s no confusion.
Lighting creates either hard or soft shadows, and lenth of shadows are effected by how high a light is placed, so if the light is placed very high your shadows will be short, and if it’s placed low you will have long shadows. What’s happening in the games case however is that the light is to bright, and is taking away all shadows. They need to use a different light setup, or lower the intensity of the lights they are using.
but also to confirm yes, all models and textures appear to be the exact same. It’s only lighting that’s different in the two.