What is Blizzard even doing? Just Look at this

I really hope in the next patch update this Warcraft 3 Beta brings the modern and realistic graphics from the 2018 demo of the Blizzcon2018! The actually models and buildings have the realistic art-style, because that they really needs the strong and modern realistic graphics from the 2018 Demo!

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I prefer the Beta, thank you very much. Maybe the shadows.

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well they won’t when will you ever understand they won’t

That’s probably true, and i think the UI from demo, atleast more options is always better i preffer the old one cause im old school warcraft player, but new UI would be cool for new players more options are always better, i think that demo was only marketing trick so that people immeaditly buy the game, they downgrade the graphics terrain , and they wanted with reforged too go more realistic look, but then they changed their mind and went again for the cartoony look, which in my opinon looks much worse graphicly, sc2 ladder system is good thing but sc2 chat system is a mistake the chat will now be dead, reforged devs made alot bad desicisions in my opinon, they stayed with the old story and gameplay which is really important and thats the only thing where they stayed loyal too warcraft fans, changing the story and gameplay would bring rage from warcraft community.But the beta looks horible in my opinon looks very rushed very unfinished.


No, there would be no options. One of them would be more useful. If the ugly new monstrosity had been better, all players would’ve been forced to use that abomination.

The same chat system is in HotS and it’s pretty alive (and unmoderated, funnily enough).

More options, more better, yeah! :smiley:

That is true and very sad… But lets still hope that game will can look the same of the 2018 demo with the modern realistic graphics!

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Considering that they had 9 months of radio silence following Blizzcon 2018, they brushed the game under the rug in Blizzcon 2019, and they have been deliberately un-transparent, it seems like they are hiding a lot of bad news. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

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Wow!! Nice said about the options! More options to people choose before play is always welcome!

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I too! I hope they will can do graphics improviments to the game! Lets hope <3

I logged on recently and was wondering why the grass looked so terribly bright and overly cartoony. I like the darker green grass that has more realism.


I return to see this thread maybe Ive used in the past and I still agree, the top picture in the OP is how it is better to be, like what happened… with what we have now as graphics.


Yes! The game needs realistic/natural colors to match right with their realistic models and buildings!

Yeah… What happened to the graphics? This downgrade of the graphics make this game looks old and wrong. The realistic models and buildings needs the modern realistic graphics to match right into the game!


Yes… I hope they back with the 2018 demo look. The look from the 2018 demo as so far more better, have realistic/natural colors with modern graphics,lighting,terrain,shadows and UI!


So! Yes, needs look like the modern and realistic demo look! And yes, i think there is still time for improvements before release. Will the game have any updates for this week?

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Good patch! But now the game jutst needs improviments to the graphics! I hope the next update improve the graphics! To improve the Lighting,Shadows,Rendering,Terrain and bring the UI from 2018 demo! Thanks and lets hope that things be improved and get into the game!

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So many models and buildings looks like have no lighting or reflection in them, the currently shadows are very weak too! This currently beta game are looking like an old game, this is sad! So please improve the graphics! The lighting,shadows,terrain and the UI, please! Thank you.


Ive said it so many times before but the worst part about the graphics are currently the terrain tiles, we need blending between the tilesets. Who designed these tiles, they are just awful! SC2 tileset is so beautiful why have we been left with this rubbish.

Blizzard is now only focusing on performance optimization and bug fixing. It’s over, the graphics will stay the same in release.

I feel like we might see an uproar once people see that the game hasn’t changed since beta and the bait-and-switch with the 2018 demo. Oh man it’s going to be exhilarating, can’t wait.

You know it’s bad when Classic War3 graphics look smoother and more polished than what we have been given now.

Many others on this thread have asked, and I will ask again: Where did the 2018 demo’s graphics escape to? If it was playable with those graphics, then, why are those graphics not what we have in beta right now? What gives?

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Yes… So many people want to know what is happened?

Look at this comparison!

Malganis and Arthas in the Beta looks without any lighting reflection, and looks so dry and old with this poorly shadows and downgraded graphics.

Malganis and Arthas in the Demo looks with lighting reflection and have good shadows and rendering with the modern realistic graphics effects! The game in the release needs look like the awesome 2018 demo!