Blizzard dont care, they will still make money.
It’s the new hot and trending business modell i guess.
Yeah, the presented UI was awesome, I really hope they add it later.
Yes, totally agreed! If they fix that and improve those things this game will be awesome. But they need too adjust the Cliffs/Mountains to look better too!
Agreed too! And an adjustable UI can be really nice too! ^-^
That beta is really looking like a old game… This is so disappointing, but lets hope they do fixes to that graphics to looks like the good 2018 demo they had. But for now lets wait and hope they can do the improviments to the Graphics,Lighting,UI,Terrain,Shadows,Cliffs and the Trees! Thanks!
I don’t understand… why did the game look better in 2018 than it does in 2020?
I don’t understand why too…
The game really looks so far better in the 2018 demo than now. I hope in the release this game be look good with the same level from the demo.
So many people are saying that, this is real?
yes, thye actually lied to us I think. It was always the SC 2 engine.
Says ‘yes’ but doesn’t provide a source or article.
Blizzard went silent for a year and they showed where they have fans… in deep, dark place. What do you expect? If they really cared about us, they would stay in touch with us in 2019. But they didn’t. They dont know what they’re doing right now. Just some random remake to get the money and thats all.
I am Retera. You can find Retera Model Studio online to edit Warcraft III model files. It’s not Magos War3ModelEditor, but it has the advantage of working with Patch 1.31.
I have data mined the Warcraft III game and read the user interface files from the 2018 demo. I have spoken with one of the Blizzard employees who worked with the 2018 demo.
The 2018 demo was running on the same game engine available to players in the Beta, however the UI was changed to look more like the old one for a reason unknown to me.
But I assure you, to fullest extent that you would trust the one and only Retera, that the 2018 demo was NOT running on the SC2 engine. People claiming it was are spreaders of false information.
Thanks for the explanation, but lets hope they back with the 2018 look!
And they charge 30$ for no campaign, wtf?
No blizzard game has ever improved from beta to launch besides minor bugfixes, especially 1 month before release. I played every one of them.
What do you mean by that? Isn’t the whole game going to be remastered?
WHAT difference though? the graphics look pretty much the same from a zoomed out view. Everyone goes ooooh look at all the cool details in the designs when you zoom in, well NOONE plays the damned game zoomed in, whats the point of upgrading graphics if its gonna look pretty much the same, or hell even worse at times because you cant even tell which unit it is youre looking at.
Honestly blizzard should give reforged 6 more months in the cooking pot.
According to what was last seen by players that game is NOT ready for a january release.
More time for the game development will be good, delay more time to the game!
you forgot to say: the games performance, desync and lags is HORRIBLE!
The biggest part of the community wants the 2018 demo look back! Please do improviments to the graphics!