What happened to the graphics?

Truer words never spoken.

Ohh super looool
The old wc3 look better holy sheet!!! So blizzard in 1 year only make the game worse
Wtf blizz stop make easy moneyy lazy asss

Why downgrade and not upgrade this low quality game…


They are not missing… They are just not in the Beta. Or they are in the Beta but your hardware is too old to support them. Or the maps available in the beta do not use the feature like the specially made reforged map shown last year did.

WC3 was never designed to support high refresh rates. Unless there is interpolation logic it will draw the same frame multiple times which is a waste of time and might as well be 60 FPS.

Even the shadows from Empires: Dawn of the Modern World would have been a huge update over Classic, and that game was released a year after Warcraft III around the time of the TFT expansion.

The game has evolved from Reforged to ordinary HD remaster.


No it hasn’t. Stop taking Polygon at its word.

Take a look of a high bright game from old Blizzcon demo :

Even here, it looks colorful and far prettiest than current version.

And watch these HQ trees, shadows, shaders and dare tell me that 2019 Warcraft is more finished than 2018’s one.
Not just a matter of maps, certain models have been downgraded. Is it definitive ? Wait and See.


I totally agree. I prefer and wish they would’ve kept the new UI and interface along with the graphical settings from last year’s demo.
And aswell the amazing cinematic! Sucks that they wont do those anymore! :disappointed_relieved:


Your proof of this? Show a side by side of the current high quality model extracted from the beta CASC and the image of it from last year.

here is the proof lazy boy.
https:// www . youtube.com/watch?v=Odmvx-T8uJc&t=410s&fbclid=IwAR2QLS4AL2bGJPxrZScmyKMGCkAwaskUkrmqQCEf56m4N8iFu1L7SHhyoEg

The UI looks really weird, there is a scaling issue between the buildings / units and the terrain, it makes the units look too big and like stretched out blobs. It doesn’t look or feel at all how I remember Warcraft 3 being.

They should make it a option in video settings

The blizzcon demo is why a lot of people complained. (Myself included)

Granted that human campaign mission is dark and foggy with the more rare location of mostly taking place in a City.

Overall, they switched the art direction too much from the original with what they showed early on. The colors had been all washed out and whatnot.

There is also too much ‘light reflecting shaders’ on all of the objects. Which I think needs to be turned down, or even off. It reminds me of when people add too many filters to a picture of photoshop or something. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

I want a high fidelity version of Warcraft 3, not something that looks like a mod found on moddb.

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what are you talking little boy, there isn’t enough light reflecting shaders, the armors from humans look like a plastic for the bad quality of lightning, don’t post if you don’t know please, if you want something worse you can play the old one.

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Nah, there is pretty much a single light reflection layer that is equally spread over all the units and buildings and it looks terrible. It makes it looks like a wax film covering them.

I’d rather have it off than looking like that.

lol, you don’t know nothing as i see

The game need a lot of advanced lightning effect for feel 2019, currently is very 2007 those quality of effect, everthing is very outdate from this game the lightning effect is more off than than a effect currently

The lightning effects prevent wax film, because you need the natural reflection of the lightning, it will look more alive, coherent and way less wax film like now.
I don’t know how you think that bad… advanced lightning effect prevent that wax film, or you see AAA games with that wax film ? lol man just lol on you.

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Kid, learn grammar.

nice argument we can talk in another language, this is not my native language :smiley:

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I can tell. You shouldn’t even bother with it.

nice… another argument, your brain is very interesting.

Alright, bye bye Third World.