We must stop insulting developers

What does any of your post have to do with things that I’m saying?

if you’re unable to properly read maybe you should leave the thread

I know what your post said, I’m asking what it has to do with anything I said. Yes, Blizzard got bought, and the past few years, Activision has begun to have more influence. Employees, current and former, have talked about this.

I know why ‘money’ is the be all end all, I’m asking you what this has to do with anything I’ve talked about, about how it isn’t as easy as just up and moving or getting a new job.

if you cant properly read you should leave the thread

are you not allowed to be self-accountable for bad decisions like choosing a bad place to work and not having the motivation to update your resume and look for new openings? :^)

“about how it isn’t as easy as just up and moving or getting a new job.”

“im saying leave job, find another that can offer you the money you need”

“if you cant properly read you should leave the thread”

Are you not allowed to go to your bosses and ask for a pay raise?

But you’re right, be self-accountable, just leave your job, don’t ask for a raise, just leave right now, in this current climate, because forum posters are saying you’re not accountable to yourself…

not in a lot of companies, no, and its unprofessional to “ask” for a raise. how old are you? have you even had a job? why is this all new to you?

you realize you can look for jobs while you’re at a job? do you not have a month in advance of savings in the case you become unemployed or you don’t want to work for your current place of employment and need to still pay rent?

yes, quit doing a bad job at the current job you hate, just leave if its that much of a nuisance, you are cheapening the company you’re at with the trash job

really not applicable in most software/customer service jobs

…are you dense? a LOT of online places are hiring customer service and web dev/cs/software eng/data structures/info jobs currently because everything has become online

no you’re acting like nobody is personally accountable for themselves in a professional job environment when in fact, they are, they get paid that phat wage to do a good job. when they do a bad job wks like you parade in to say “WELL THEY JUST ARENT GETTING PAID ENOUGH!”

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That’s why this is across all of Blizzard and not just WC3 Reforged, because it’s about doing a bad job.

I wonder why in a capitalist society asking for more money would be seen as unprofessional.


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again can you reply to like any of my post or are you going to keep doing this thing where you reply to a sentence you didnt particularly like to just argue and find some medium to be “correct” in

its pathetic and anyone else you argued with will see that too

irrelevant, you live in a capitalist society, deal with it. what does this have to do with literally anything

ok so what is it? they dont have money right? so do they also not have the motivation or time (that isnt spent working) to escape their jobs by updating their resume and applying to new places and doing interviews over the weekend?

if you’re going to reply to my posts in 30 seconds for a quick “GOTCHYA” every single time id really rather you just stop and take the 10-15 minutes to format a post that clearly has the information you want to present written out. you are sitting here pulling out “BUT CAPITALISM” for why our video game sucks (…when capitalism also made the good version of the video game btw…)

You’re right I should have quoted the part right underneath where you talked about doing a trash job in a WC3 Reforged forum when I talked about how this was across Blizzard and not just a WC3 Reforged thing. Forgive me for not quote tweeting EVERYTHING and thinking people can put 2 and 2 together.

Again, people aren’t making enough money to live, I don’t care what is “unprofessional” if the system is making people skip means. If the choice is between being “unprofessional” and eating, I know which I’d pick and which I’d support.

Again you’ve gone to this extreme. They’ve asked for more money, and then after, they can look for more work. You’re also just assuming they’re not currently looking, or that everyone will just magically get hired by other companies etc etc

Sorry there’s nothing really here worth responding to, but I made sure to quote it just for you :slight_smile:

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you quote tweeted one thing to “GOTCHYA” moment me then edited in all your other really bad takes

just not even going to respond to your schizophrenic capitalist posting. you dont ask for job raises. if you’ve ever worked in your life youd know that, but you’re just like an oblivious twitterbro who thinks people get paid for trying lol

no. dont like your job, find a new one. its not “Extreme” its normal. especially in big cities.

no im responding to you, should i have added this into your hypothetical where you imply that people cannot leave because they’re all poor

if your resume isnt good enough that you get picked up by no other companies im not sure if that says something about who blizzard hires or …

again this is just like really pathetic in the most embarrassing way possible
do you feel like you’re correct and you won now since you took 5 minutes to write 2 gotchyas in 1 post?

edited just for you :slight_smile::
funny how i dont need to clapback to your flamboyant degree like you keep trying to do. really just demonstrates the volumes of difference between our argumentative qualities.
i can just reply to you with normal, real-world alternatives to get you mad!

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Being ok with people asking for enough money to eat

“schizophrenic capitalist posting.”


No the extreme is the assumption that you should just leave first instead of asking for a liveable wage.

Said hypothetical where it’s actually talked about by numerous employees in said articles? That hypothetical?

Imagine trying to berate me about not knowing how the real works and then saying something like this. You’re right, just because Blizzard hired X people that means if they leave every company in the industry will just have that many spots open for X people, or that they’re within travel distance, or even hiring.

The fact that someone like Impctr agrees with you? Yeah I do :slight_smile:

It must be so nice to live in your reality where everything is so simple, so black and white.

Your job doesn’t pay enough, just edit your resume one night, next week you’ll be hired in a company paying 2x as much. You’re just lazy.

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Crying mindlessly : ‘Injustice!!!’ isnt very productive, so much I will say. Everything that is wrong with your sojuw-ing has been said. There, for you (not that I think every such act is meaningless but apparently the vid is made for such warriors):

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Thanks for proving my point buddy :slight_smile:

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and i shouldnt call you schizophrenic capitalist posting?.. lol

funny if you read my post like an hour ago you’d realize i actually addressed this. activision doesnt have the money to pay people. that is why they 180’d in what the company advertises in terms of profit gain and worker sustainability. they USED to be highly regarded since they were a company that could keep hundreds of workers for TWENTY+ years.
now that they have to advertise that they make a lot of money (in short bursts) and dont mention anything about retention, dont you think that has to say something about their pockets?

why wouldnt you, as someone trying to get a good work history + a decent job and wage, apply to a company that has been shifting its 25 year long values since noticeably around 2016 due to obvious money deficits?

did they say they’re looking for jobs then since u said im assuming they arent looking? if they did we have nothing more to continue with on this topic i guess : )

berates pretty aggressive, ive actually asked or implied a few times that you need to have company/real world experience to understand a lot of concepts i said and you didn’t reply to them but tried to advance the conversation with those concepts.
if you feel im being hostile, maybe you should lower your defensiveness and just properly respond to me instead of turn this into a verbal WWE match. but its clear you don’t care about that because you keep doing this

imagine thinking someone agreeing with me somehow represents the words ive typed out in response to you. quit being defensive and quit trying to slapfight me with words and just respond normally. take 10-15 minutes, write something coherent with what you actually think, and lets discuss its relevancy with the topic at hand

well no ive actually looked up the company i got hired to, as a freshly gradded student they accepted my BA and told me i get a yearly raise and they surprisingly dont have an issue with not having money or being unable to pay workers (so far its true, i even get bonuses!) according to the reviews of the company online + my personal experience.

funny story, i got a new manager and i dont like them. im still doing my job despite him dramatically changing my work environment and delivering a clean product, presenting it during meetings, etc, but ive updated my resume and applied to new jobs to solve this issue and got recommendations from work peers in my network to other companies.

its not hard if you TRY and make the effort. it is if you just sit and whine that people bully you on the forums for your bad game and ur company needs to pay u more and u wont put out any quality work till ur demands r met lmao.

i didnt know i had to demand my boss pay me more if i felt bullied by the public audience i get trained to handle, will be trying this one out, i can get paid to do nothing for maybe 3 weeks

edited again, just for you :slight_smile::
see how i took 10 minutes to write paragraphs to your sentences? i think you should try that to seem productive instead of crazy and weird

also lol to how you literally cannot read. my original post was basically rewritten here because you’re unable to address arguments properly and incorporate new conversation pieces within the same context that dont directly agree with yours.

nice reply to my entire post

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Ok I’ll tell why spending 15 mins responding to your loaded, assumed garbage isn’t worth it.

You just assumed that for everyone that is part of the spreadsheet?

Employees have talked about losing their mentors recently, they’re not all fresh hires in the past year.

This isn’t just a WC3R thing, or CS thing, this is a BLIZZARD thing.

So again, you’ve made incorrect assumptions.

Assumed I don’t.

Assumed your anecdote is true for everyone who is part of the spreadsheet and complaining.

Pointless anecdote where you assume workers aren’t doing this.

Again turning this into a WC3R issue when it’s a BLIZZARD company, all aspects issue.

Why would I waste 15 mins writing things out for you to load every single response you make with assumptions?

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you kept not responding, theres a point where is assuming and just knowing because you refuse to compromise, which is where the error in our communication keeps happening.

you keep saying im assuming and im using pointless ancedotes (OOoooo, fancy word, when did u decide to google this one QWEEN??!??!?!) but you’re doing the same thing in most, if not all of your arguments. its sort of classist to assume one interview represents all workers at blizzard as poverty ridden abused wagies which is what youve been riding on this entire time.

i keep presenting new ideas and outcomes but you are so aggressive and hostile that you are just completely unwilling to read it.

so, again, you’re hostile and unwilling to compromise
really shows what type of person you are. no wonder you agree with extorting your place of employment then. my bad for trying to facilitate normal discussion.

since you have no value for my input and no respect for my points, there’s genuinely no reason to talk to you. i hope other people see the narrow-minded toxic mindset and decide to block you.

you shouldnt use the forums if you arent willing to use it as a place to have discussion. its a place to elaborate opinions, ideas, thought-pieces and more. if you are unable to connect to the person youre talking to about their ideas but continue to engage with them, you’re showing your purposeful and participatory experience of being both ignorant and neglectful of this communication medium.

It is funny how the title became:

We must stop insulting developers… and start to insult each other^^

I see people here arguing on any possible topic like never before^^
And if you see the other threads, they basically agree on everything^^

Can I pick a team?^^

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Well, it’s not like it’s a new phenomena that disposable employees get paid less, it’s not illegal. Companies do not do charity work and I think it’s pointless to insult any company over something that’s legal.

Employees can go on strike, seek work elsewhere, or start their own charitable companies.

its interesting how you say I insulted you because I said I was confused, that seems kinda overly sensitive…

then you say Im some sort of uber mod god and that I was wrong for going off on a “tangent” because I wrote 2 paragraphs of words explaining myself and my confusion, lmao was that too much for you bro?

but then you make yourself into a hypocrite by literally posting 20times in an argument about nothing, so who went off on the tangent now bro? huh? think before you speak next time

was this quote even in response to you? dont really think so since you can scroll up and see the 15 back and forth posts between me and the person who that was directed to

no i was making fun of you

no youre up your own butt with how you write and its not interesting to talk to someone when you talk down to someone-- if that makes sense to your overly confused ESL brain

you did and you’re still manipulatively arguing like i originally said

imagine being this pathetic and thinking you won lol