We have been scammed

You linked a wikipedia article that I can edit. You linked an opinion. I have my own opinion as do other players and as does blizzard. It literally isn’t a series. If anything it is a “parallel.” In no way has the current warcraft universe been written in series. The only “series” is warcraft ii, then warcraft iii, then wow as it’s own separate branches of series’.

I don’t consider you a warcraft 3 fan.


Some of those who identify as purists make it sound like WoW is designed to destroy the Warcraft lore. It never was meant to. It was created to complement the Warcraft lore with a more grass-root, individualist view. They’re meant to co-exist.

Several purists don’t seem to understand the idea. Anyone who likes the same things they do in a different way is a heretic and must be verbally lynched to sate the vanity that they alone are the “true” fans who “understand” it better than even the designers do.


The only people who use the term “purist” are the ones seeking to verbally lynch others. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. It is perfectly reasonable to like the same thing in a different way. What’s not ok is to change the same thing we all like into the new mold of only what you like in a selfish way.

Luckily the designers have agreed with the fans in keeping the story and voices the same and hopefully you will take your own advice to shed your vanity that you think you understand it better than even the designers.

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That’s a wonderful opinion you have. You are very much entitled to it, however flawed it is.

Yes you could certainly try, but I think the change would probably be reverted by Wikipedia staff.


Strange how World of Warcraft is after Frozen Throne on Blizzard’s own website but the real spinoff, Hearthstone, isn’t anywhere amongst these pages.

If I truly understood it better than even the designers, I wouldn’t be on these forums. I’d probably be working in Blizzard right now. I hope that day comes soon. I’d rather work for them than for EA.

See, this is what you misunderstand about the whole disappointment. People like me are not looking for new mold(s).

For myself, I’m looking for added dialogues which tell us more about the original Warcraft universe.

How did Arthas and Jaina really feel about each other? Maybe that one small conversation near the campfire after they survived the first encounter with The Cult Of Damned would tell us more?

What did Sen’jin see in Thrall that he was willing to entrust the Dark Spear Trolls to the Orc whom he knew little?

How did any High Elf even survive to become Blood Elves after the Scourge purged their capital city?

Why was Tyrande willing to aid Kael’thas and his people when they first met in Pyrewood, Lordaeron, with their common ancestors parted on such bitter remarks?

How did the corrupted Draenei come to be, and why would they so quickly trust a group of outsiders like Blood Elves and Naga? What is their relation with the Eredar race?

What did Illidan do after taking over The Black Citadel and before assaulting the Icecrown Citadel that allowed him to rebuild with such efficiency? Why did Akama not join him? That war with Magtheridon brought some big casualties, you know.

Smalls things that show the personalities which were hinted but not demonstrated in full light. Small things that would portray these heroes and villains in ways that were meant to be all the way in 2002, using the technology finally available in 2019.

I wouldn’t say all, but most people who want “WoW” elements to retroactively enter WC3 are simply looking for stuffs like these.


Again I don’t see where it says it was a remake of the game. If you expected that by the name that’s your fault. Logical people expected a remaster like SC, like myself. Part of the same crowd legit demanding another race and more new things are same folks complaining about lack of content/new things in a literal remaster with a different name

The Blizzard promised game remade from the ground, not simply a remaster. Changed map layots, some changes to lore here and there, maybe some expanded lore, new voices. People were being promised some small retcons and big changes from the very beginning just until recently. Many people feel scammed and for a good reason. They were expecting something new, and the only get the same stuff with better graphics (and female characters). I understand that you love classic WC3, I do too. Been playing it since I was a little kid. But I completed the campaign too many times now. I am kinda sick of playing exactly the same missions with exactly the same story presentation. I want something new. What is your problem anyway? Even if they retconned many things, you can still play the original missions in original WC3. And not only with the original graphics, but I literally saw a guy play THE SAME original WC3 MISSION only WITH REFORGED GRAPHICS. here is the link of the mission gameplay Imported Campaign in Reforged - Gameplay | Warcraft 3 Reforged Beta - YouTube The point is, people, including myself paid for the promised new stuff, NEW experience. If I wanted exactly the same thing, I would simply play the old game, and not pay 30€ just for CTRL C+ CTRL V with new models. Well, actually, I won’t cancel my preorder and I would have maybe bought it anyway. But I was promised completely “reforged” game and a new experience. In essence the same game and story, but with a different form.


I will go for a refund if they break their promises. What a shame!

This is all very, very heartbreaking.