We expect to patch aggressively

Not trolling … just joking. “We expect” means “we’ll never” :smile:


Good one…


We expect people will use the forum search funtion.

Can someone link the quote that they will patch aggressively?

It was back in December; guess aggressive patching is poofing for 14 days right after a failed release.


These the same people that ask about the exact same Rexxar campaign bug in the bug reports forum in a new thread even though if you scrolled down you’d see at least 5 about it? Or that at least 20 had already been made?

You didn’t mind helping them though without a passive aggressive tone. :wink:

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Seeking support and tired gibes do indeed get handled differently.

madness btw 14 days :))) in dota 2 all will be fixed in 1 day


Since when is an outfit with multiple PATCHES a new trend? I must’ve missed it.

We expected a quality product to honor and continue the legacy of Warcraft 3 + TFT.

*edit: at launch, as other older products made by the old Blizzard we knew and loved.

yes and you want all physical copies of classic wc3 and frozen throne destroyed i have proof

What that tells me is that every time they fix a problem, they’ll send out a patch instead of sending out a once-per-season update with a billion fixes each.

Sounds reasonable given the number of critical things I hear are broken. I bought it, but haven’t tested it, so I can’t confirm, or deny what some forum people are saying.

I guess the answer is no. No one can actually link the blue post saying it will be patched aggressively.

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You were saying? took me 2 mins of googling tops


I was saying that I asked for the link. Congratulations on being the first person to actually provide it.

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Also seems like there was only 2 patches past that in the beta, and then the one we got with the blue post 10 or so days ago, so 3 patches in 2-3 months.

I wouldn’t say that’s aggressive patching.


hehehehehhehe “xD” good one

It is aggressive compared to WoW patches or HotS patches.

When Days Gone was released, that game was seeing multi-gigabyte patches very frequently in the first 2 weeks. And those devs released new, streaming content to keep the game fresh after the main game is complete.

Meanwhile, small, indie dev Bli$$ard can’t even fix a few bugs and push out a patch asap. Are there even any developers working on this game, or were they all sacked to pay for JAB’s 5th Lamborghini?

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I didn’t even realize how this was worded til now lol. Yep they got us. They’re pros at legal jargon now - and careful not to make too many promises. All that damage control over the years has made them pros lol