WC3 TFT wont load past the Lion screen for over a month

New legion 5 pro laptop been playing tft for ages… .never had an issue. I do play on the laptop on my phones hotspot . but for ver a month now it wont load past the lion head screen. It flickers as it always does but just stays stuck. Any help is appreciated !

World of warcraft loads and fires up as always.

This means nothing, why say it? Different games are different games. Just because some other game is working doesn’t mean you don’t have a problem.

Please use the forum search function, there are many threads about the lion screen and there are potential fixes that work for different people.

Why say it? because im not sure if it might have helped or not thats why. I have searched and tried every network reset and firewall permission I could find.

Just an update… i did try on wifi at home and it logged in and works fine. I can guess that this is related to the iphone hotspot. 2 weeks ago I upgraded to the iphone 16 but the issue was there with my 14 and now continues with the 16.


Ignore that guy, cellular data has (Type 3 NAT) most restrictive NAT (Network Address Translation) type, that’s the reason. Most ports are blocked. You can circumvent this by requesting a dynamic public IP from your data provider, or an static IP. Keep in mind most carrier-grade NATs are restricted.


That Lion is there to protect the Warcraft realm!

You could:

  1. Check your networking and firewall settings, disable VPN, temporary disable also antivirus for a trial. Check DNS or try using a pre-defined dns for example google’s or
  2. Try log in from Battle net to different region.
  3. Uninstall game (maybe also uninstall battle net) use some registry cleaner, restart then re-install.
  4. Make sure your account is not Banned by Blizzard, sometimes changing your password won’t hurt either.

Happy new year everyone!


I am afraid I don’t read any mention of remedying network issues, you’re being disingenuous again. Try again ???


I’m afraid you didn’t actually use the search function. This is a very common issue and dozens of threads have been made about it. There is nothing “disingenuous” about telling you this. Please search harder.

Literally: Just type

lions gate

in the search box. Dozens of threads. If I remembered the specifics, I would provide them to you. I replied in this manner in the interest of not giving you misinformation by mistake.

Except I did,and there is no dis-ingenuity. I was specifically addressing their claim of X game works, therefore I don’t have a problem, despite themselves describing something that COULD be a problem (using their phone as a wifi hotspot). This is something where anyone can put 2 and 2 together and understand what prompted my response. My sincerest apologies for not spelling it out explicitly, but that’s not being disingenuous.

That’s just backtracking at it’s best! You never mentioned network connectivity to be the cause, yet bragged about it and claimed that you did. You’re still adamant that you did. That’s exactly the definition of disingenuous!

please quote your reply where you mention network issues. Thank you.


Appreciate all the replies. Just wanted to say ive been playing tft oon mobile hotspot since like the iphone 3. its always worked. After that patch or update it seems to have stopped. Fortnite and TFT are the 2 not looading but wow loads up fine. I will try reinstalling. I did search and try every solution and win registry change i fouond … no help. Just stuck at lion gate. Of course im certain its cell phone related im wondering if its related to the iphone 16. It worked on my 14, but also stopped on my 14 for a while before i upgraded.

I will re read every replly and keep trying thanks for all the input.

There is no backtracking. There was, however, implications.

I’m not going to waste time debating this.

Check antivirus and antivirus firewall/vpn settings related to networks!
For me it was the same I blamed some patch finally was the antivirus for different networks different protocols and settings …

i dont run any antivirus except windows defender? ill check the settings.

Just an update. Reinstalled, still cant get past lion screen on hotspot. reinstalled again, using the hotspot, it completed and STILL, wont get past the lion screen. I thought it was connection speed but i did it through hotspot where there was 5G+ and it was super fast. Odd that the game lets you install it completely over the connection but then wont let you login to play online. Convinced its the iphne 16 proo max but not sure what to do next.

cell internet is horrible for games like this. Not to say that it shouldn’t technically work but you can eliminate a LOT of variables by using a dedicated internet connection via wifi or preferably a wired connection. Even with a good signal you can still get dropouts and other problems at unexpected moments. it’s not about speed but stability and reliability.

This isn’t an bandwidth issue but more of a NAT issue, cellular data is NAT type 3 it’s the most restricted of all NATs. You can try another carrier and see if it works. Or you can call your data provider and ask for their technical team that handling cellular data. Perhaps they can offer you a static ip with unrestricted NAT.

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Ive been playing this game on hotspot since the iphone 3. This has oonly begun with my new iphone 16 pro max. I just uninstalled, bought reforged, updated everything with ethernet… and the game works great at home. Then i discnnect ethernet and use my wifi hotspot… and stuck on lion screen… im at my wits end :frowning:

Well I don’t like to blame a particular device but if it only started happening when you started using that device, it probably has something to do with it. Either the device itself or some configuration or setting. But I’m not very familiar with iphones, being on team android, so I can’t help you a lot there.

All I can tell you is that you really shouldn’t game on wifi, especially via tethering your phone. Some stuff just doesn’t work sometimes, and it’s simply less reliable even when it works.

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I appreciate the input :slight_smile: At this point i will try to get in touch with apple and with my data provider Rogers. Again… its worked since the iphone 3… many many years ago. Its worked with all of my phones… iphone 3 , 3gs, 4s, 5s, 6 plus, 7 pro, 11 pro max, 14 pro max… and it has only stopped now when there were those updates and with my iphone 16 pro max. appreciate the help i dont know anything about data but i will call them and see if they can see anything out of the ordinary.
As for gaming on wifi, wc3 has always been fine for me even in ranked games. I was even able to obtain gladiator in wow playing at work on my hotspot. this is just frustrating and apple has offered to change my device to a new one so i may do that.

Like I said though, it may “work,” but whenever the oppertunity is available, a wired connection is best. Especially when you’re using a phone as a hot spot, that just puts another network device in between you and the actual connection which is an extra oppertunity for things to go wrong. If it’s your only option I understand, but any “real gamer” will tell you to use ethernet.

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