Absolutely I’m not questioning that at all when I want to game seriously I’m always at home on my PC.
So an interesting update ! I called my service provider (Roger’s) today and they reset my connection on their end. The advisor was telling me to restart my phone. Before I could do so I saw that 5G+ had disappeared and my phone said 3G . Before I shut the phone down… I clicked wc3 and voila !! It loaded up and the lion screen opened and I was able to get in the lobby ! I started a game… and the game loaded up and I started to click my peons on the gold mine and then everything froze. I looked at the phone and the 3G had disappeared and it showed 5G+ and full bars (was parked right beside a tower near my work) , I got disconnected. I closed the game and tried to login again… and the lion head screen was stuck and same error 6:9.
Thought it was interesting I’m no expert in cellular data but I guess something is up with the modem and it switching to 5G+ and bnet not allowing the connection ?
Don’t really want to have apple send me a new phone because it’ll be a return no doubt. I’m ocd about my phone and have a sapphire screen glass on it too so I would lose that but seems it might be my only option