WC3 - TFT: Cannot launch - Windows

I can no longer launch my warcraft 3 the frozen throne on windows following the update. It doesn’t say anything, i click the “play” button from the launcher, it switch to “launching” then it immediately goes back to “play”. I’ve been using wc3 TFT for a long time now, it’s been getting harder and harder to play this game even when i make no change from my side

I have tried repairing, tried reinstalling, tried running as admin, tried reinstalling on different drive

also cannot launch editor

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Frozen Throne is not a supported product as of 2020, so I don’t see how the latest update would have anything to do with your ability to use Frozen Throne

i know this is kinda odd for you as you probably do not own the original warcraft 3 but you could still play warcraft 3 the frozen throne without any issue. you simply had to download it from the legacy forum page and it would update your battle net launcher given you have a valid wc3 tft key attached to your account… this no longer works and should as i paid for that product, right now i can’t even play offline mode on that product

Update: and yes when it update your battle net launcher it would appear under your warcraft 3 reforge quite a weird way to do it but i guess it worked ( up until a few days ago that is )

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I have 3 cd copies of RoC/TFT. You can run those games without the launcher, I’d suggest doing that.

Ah really? could you tell me how you’re doing it? for me whenever i visit “my games” section and i click on “download” next to wc3 tft or wc3 roc it guides me to:

Which is a download page for the launcher update, are you using a different link?

I’ve tried running “Warcraft III.exe” manually from the game folder but it doesn’t start, i also do not get any new log files in the %userprofile%\Documents\Warcraft III\Logs or %userprofile%\Documents\Warcraft III\Errors folder

You need to install the legacy version(s) from the CD(s) and manually patch up to the last patch before Reforged. Don’t try to connect to Battlenet. If you do, it will update to Reforged.

Alternatively, you can download the legacy version from Bliz. But the same applies: you can’t let them connect to Battlenet or they will update to Reforged.

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Thank you Leviathan, will give it a try

Now that i am doing it, i do remember doing this process of patching wc3 like 10 years ago

You cannot go online with old versions of the game, or they will patch to the current one. So the only thing you can do is play campaign or custom games by yourself.

And to find old copies you’ll have to source them from other people, or various places on the internet. you won’t find them via official channels.

Jesus Captain, I indicated that twice.

Jesus Captain, yes you can.

Pays to read threads before replying. Would have helped you with the Playside situation as well.

Jesus Leviathan, I’m well aware you indicated things and typed words, you don’t need to “Jesus me”

Maybe just don’t reply if the only thing you can say is that.

" Pays to read threads before replying."

I read the thread before replying. I myself have gone through official channels, and the “official” installer just installs Reforged despite Blizzard’s own claims to the contrary.

It wouldn’t have helped me with the “playside situation” because again, there wasn’t anything in the threads I read to indicate that Playside was a thing that existed.

When did you suddenly decide to start being a (three letter word that starts with A)? My word man just don’t reply if the only purpose you have is to be that thing.

Used to agree with you on stuff quite a bit and respected you for that, but yeah. Dunno why you’re suddenly riding the troll train.

Funny Captain, that’s that not the only thing I said.

No, you don’t get the move the goalpost, again. The two games are available through official channels, regardless if you count the channel as official or not. You are quite the backpeddler.

Obviously not.

Correcting you isn’t “that thing”. You are repeating what other have already laid out (not reading first, which seems to be an issue with you), and spreading misinformation.

Since your sole intent here is to attack/embarass/troll as much as possible, I have no choice but to apply the 1000 year block. Hopefully you decide not to be this much of a ??? to other people in the future.

I don’t remember every single thread I post in or every single post I make If I say I don’t know about something, I don’t know about something, even if it was mentioned at some point in the past. Next time try to remember that we are all flawed human beings who can’t remember every single little thing.

Not surprising you’d block those who corner you with rebuttals.

I’m a #(&#$&($ human being. I make mistakes. I forget things. But instead of recognizing those things could be the case, you chose to be a butt. It’s as simple as that.

That’d be fine if it wasn’t coming from our resident armchair expert on anything. Additionally, as I pointed out already, you come hard with

… instead of “I haven’t heard that. Who is it?” and you’re just doing your usual chest bumping, regardless if you remember something our not.

I simply asked you to provide proof of a claim because I hadn’t seen (or at least, recalled) any evidence of it. There is nothing unreasonable about that.

I am not “chest bumping,” nor has that ever been my intent or purpose anywhere on this forum.

I also never claimed to be the resident expert on everything. I don’t know where you got this idea, because I have already previously admitted to making mistakes in the past (See: the FPS debacle).

And how you ask is a chronic problem of yours.

You don’t have to claim something to be it.

I have posted on another forum and after some troubleshooting i had to reinstall windows.

warcraft 3 was generating Error dmp files located at %localappdata%\Crashdump when opening those files with visual studio i could run the dmp files which indicated that it would not load a module ( ntdll.dll )

I then tried the following:

  • open cmd as admin
  • run sfc /scannow
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
  • dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth

That didn’t fix my issue so i had to fully reinstall windows using the windows reset tool. i will now be marking this as resolved and will be leaving these few steps in hopes that maybe someone experience the same issue and it could help them.

Thank you all for providing solutions and alternative for me i got to learn something new


Why thanks for letting me know I’m an expert! I had no idea, but thanks for this revelation.

Your statement makes zero sense. It basically amounts to a compliment, because I’m not claiming to be an expert, but you’re effectively telling me I am one. Even though it’s obvious that wasn’t the intention of the comment. Knowing things, or even thinking one knows things, does not mean they are an expert, nor does it mean they think they are one. There are countless topics where I may have some knowledge on something, but that doesn’t make me or imply that I’m an expert.

And what pray tell is wrong with how I asked? You made a claim I felt needed proof, so I asked for the proof. It was pretty simple. I don’t feel like I was rude or aggressive at that time, I made a reasonable request in a reasonable manner. I apologize if you didn’t see it that way, but even reviewing the post, I don’t see a problem.

Calling you an armchair expert doesn’t mean you are actually an expert, Captain. smh. No revelation here. Just more of your MO.

I already said.
Just more of your MO: Read the thread. Jesus.