WC3 Reforged Campaign Crashing

For those of you getting the results screen no-pointer bug/crash, I’ve found some workarounds.

First, to recap on the issue, as far as I’ve witnessed:

– Classic Graphics –
When you finish a level and are on the results screen, if you press [CONTINUE], your mouse cursor disappears. If you attempt to load the next level (by blindly moving your invisible cursor over buttons to highlight them and clicking), one of two things will happen:

  1. The screen fades out as if to start loading a level, but then immediately loads back into a “DEFEAT” results screen, with all values set to 0.
  2. Your mouse pointer reappears briefly as the game fades out into a load; the game crashes to desktop during the loading screen.

– Reforged Graphics –
I haven’t actually been able to reproduce this bug when set to Reforged graphics; hitting [CONTINUE] loads the next level as expected.

– Workarounds –

Ultimately, I believe the mouse cursor disappearing is the root cause of crashing. Anything you can do to prevent it from disappearing in the first place, or getting it back before attempting to load the next mission will prevent the game from crashing.

As a result, there are two relatively simple workarounds to keep your cursor on screen:

  1. Instead of hitting [CONTINUE] on the results screen, just hit [BACK/Esc]. It’ll throw you back to the mission list, but your mouse cursor will remain; selecting the next mission will load as expected.

  2. If you DID hit [CONTINUE] and your mouse cursor disappears, before trying to load the next level return to the main menu via [BACK/Esc].
    When on the main menu, click [Versus] – which will inexplicably bring the cursor back – at which point you can go back to the campaign menu and load the next level.

(this is kind of a pain as you have to travel some 8-9 menus round-trip, but it works. there may be other menus which bring the cursor back, but Versus was the first one I stumbled on)

Hope this helps anyone dealing with this bug!