Wc3 alternative

Im giving up on warcraft 3. I just rebought reforged just because I really really wanted to open up the world editor and make some maps just for me to enjoy like I used to. I have so many maps Ive made over the years that crash anytime I try to open them in world edit or in game. I just spent about an hour making a new map to try and test some triggers and other things, and it crashes any time I try to load it. I dont want to go through fixes. I dont want to have to download a different patch or trouble shoot just to play a game that worked perfectly fine before the “reforged” it. Im tired of it. I just want to play warcraft again, but Im done.

Im waiting for a similar game to come out. One with the same user friendly world edit, one that still has the high fantasy army feel. Ideally one where I can select as many units as I can in starcraft lol. Is there any game out there to help me scratch that itch? I know there are a few older rts games that kinda work within that but I want half way decent graphics. I honestly really hoped crate entertainment would seize the opportunity blizzard left and show up as kind of the new old blizzard. I feel like we are forgotten and uncared about. Its like all thats left if half mass cash grabs to an untapped market. Is there already a savior? or do we still have to wait for one…


With everything that has happened with WC3R, it’s very likely that the editor isn’t being developed alongside the game, at least not as much. Meaning the more the core of the game is changed, the more the map editor will become incompatible.

Even in the heyday of Bliz’s remastering, as the SCR devs made deep changes to things like the game engine, they had to also make updates to StarEdit to keep it compatible. But after a few updates, they eventually abandoned it. In doing so, Bliz endorsed an existing 3rd party editor that was far more functional and powerful.

Essentially, it seems map editors are an after thought. Maybe someone needs to make a 3rd party editor for WC3R that can be kept up to date as Bliz updates the game is updated.

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No, because the game is itself broken. It has been broken since 2020 and remains broken. Here is video evidence of stuff this company WILL NEVER fix because they don’t freaking care compared to the userbase:

To even explain the problems above requires an attention span that would surpass the time corporate bosses would allow their underlings to even try to sit back and understand the code of the Warcraft 3 itself.

@Leviathan admitted in another thread, when I said they probably worked for Blizzard, that they actually worked as a contractor for a company affiliated with Blizzard so they don’t technically “work for Blizzard.” That’s the level of crap on this forum is that we have insiders here to tell us to just swallow and accept Reforged as the REPLACEMENT of the game and that we the players should go REINVENT the editor to maintain support for what we love AS IF that would fix the broken game itself.

Now, BlackSatyr I do not know if you write what you do here as a legitimate human or if you were a foreign trolling campaign to make me upset, but assuming you are the real thing you can see my struggle. I have been trying to see if I could make an open source emulator of what the Warcraft 3 once was – a computer program that uses their old art files and functions and feels almost the same – and it has been a long, long journey. Most of how this game was made is quickly becoming lost knowledge to the humans, like a form of book burning in ancient times. The people rich enough to care dont care because they can just use a modern game engine, and the people poor enough to enjoy the simplicity of the 2003 Frozen Throne editor where everything would “just work” are by definition the poor ones or the pressed for time ones so nobody is making what they want.

I don’t know how it gets any better. I don’t even know how to explain to anyone how my attempted game rewrite even works. Just publishing the code to try to free people isn’t enough because there isn’t anybody who would even want to read it, and I am not the best programmer in the world but just someone having fun who wishes Activision didn’t engage in the “book burning” of our game.

Leviathan and CaptainJack will probably respond and tell you to play Reforged. I mean, that’s fine, the versus mode seemed to work when I tried it the other night. But BlackSatyr if you are a real person and not a forum troll, and you are a old time World Editor user like me and you understand the sentiment I am trying to express, then I think you will know exactly how much attention to pay to the ever-present forum entities telling you to play Reforged because Reforged has gotten so good and polished.

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I really wasn’t talking about the state of the game at all. I was talking about the possibility that the map editor is being left behind at this point. Thus, no matter the state of the game, the editor may slowly get worse if it isn’t kept up with the changes made to the game.

Therfore, all I saying was, if that’s the path Bliz takes, a community built editor might be the only solution.

I’ve never said I work for any affiliate of Blizzard, nor that I am a contracted employee. You seem to be confusing what I have said in the past.

I’m a technical/customer support MVP directly for Bliz. The position is purely voluntary with no compensation, monetary or otherwise. We aren’t required to agree or upsell or “shill”, etc for Bliz, and we get nothing when we do. In fact, we are encouraged by Bliz to negatively criticize them when we feel it’s necessary. Also, we are not insiders. Bliz isn’t going to give out insider development information to non employees.

Easy Reforged, I don’t go around telling people to play reforged, nor do I ever claim that the game is all good the way it is. Yes, others do, but I haven’t. Use some discernment before lumping things or people together.

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I’m more curious what maps they were trying to edit. People usually don’t know about map protection, and interpret it as a broken map.

Hmm, very good point. If that was the issue, then I begin to regret everything I said about the obscure technical problems. I figured maybe this is one of those guys with a bunch of personal maps that wouldn’t load anymore because of file overrides or whatever that whatsit issue is that certain maps have these days. If that’s not the case, then I’m basically a doomsayer who should be ignored.

I dont think you should give up on Warcraft 3, only give it time.

And no i’m not some drone minded hopeful fool, i’m just saying there is more to war3 then what blizzard is doing with it.

Come back around every now and then, there is many ways to play it and many different content to play it with. but other then that, good luck out there :slightly_smiling_face:

Age of Empires, simple

honestly blizzard doesnt care and have given up on wc3 a long time ago, they do updates every now and then for the 1x1 aspect of the game but other than that they really do not care, the community is atrocious and they continue to turn their head, rip wc3

Alternatives that I’ve played over the course of some years:

Starcraft 1 & 2
From the same developers, do I need say much more? If you’ve played WC3, you’ve probably played these two as well.

Age of Empires 1-4
Any of them really work, I prefer 3 and 4.

Command & Conquer: Generals & the expansion Zero Hour
Is a nice one, though you gotta buy it off Origin which means giving money to EA so better hope you find a solid pirated version.

Empire Earth 1-3
These are quaint. Cheap on GOG and solid enough for what they set out to do, seem to lack that certain polish though.

Warhammer 40k Dawn of War 1
Very nice series, expansions are a nice bit of extra content and modded stuff makes the experience even better. 2nd game is more of a Company of Heroes style thing but also solid. Avoid DOW 3 though, very bad game - tries to do both styles, fails at both instead.

They Are Billions
More of a scenario-style game, though has hero units like WC3. Love the aesthetic of it though.

I would mention Stormgate but I’ve yet to play it (Though the beta invites are gonna be sent out sometime soon, hopefully that will let me change the situation).

(+) Starcraft2 (and also 1) - very well done games by Blizzard.
(+) Age of Empires
(+) Age of Mythology - same like AoE, very nice game. I am waiting for Retold (Reforged)
(-) but Zero Hour - quite old game - also buggy.
(++) Heroes 3,4,5,6 - ok is not a RtS, more turn based but a strategy game, nice units (eg. Angels, Titans, Devils, Dragons, Hydras, Infernal Troglodyte -that are immune to blinding) , a lot of realms (races) + sub races, not just 4 like War.

The only solution that comes to mind is sticking to classic maps that were created back in classic world editor. Those maps should be opening fine on reforged too, but as soon as you save them using reforged editor, they become only playable on reforged, so take your pick carefully.