WC 3 Reforged AMD performance

Hi Duskstalker,

I did a similar test on a custom game (tried some 4v4 maps) in the WC3 Beta and noticed that if you keep scrolling on all the areas of the minimap it eventually gets smooth.

I did a similar test also on a versus game but didn’t achieve the same result, perhaps due to the fact that the cache gets flushed by adding new buldings as you found out.

good point, maybe the enemy building stuff constantly flushes the cache aswell - which would kinda make sense.

Also notice how the minimap sort of flashes out (see the creep camp icons) when scrolling.

This is something that the devs should definitely have a look into.

I am getting a freezing problem in the lobby even with classic graphics on. It’s the new update. It’s changed everything.

I have the same issue, when I click the mini map or scrolling, it stutters, when I build something, it stutters.

AMD Ryzen 2700X
AMD Vega 64 Adrenalin 20.1.4

I can reproduce the thing with the asset cache. When I scroll the whole map once, everything is fine until building sth.

The game is unplayable in this condition…


thanks for your report.

now the good thing is - apart from those caching stutters, the game actually runs quite acceptable (with a built cache).

and i suspect it should be a rather simple fix to wipe out alot of problems.

yes I guess thats right. The overall fps is fine, but the micro stuttering is very annoying.


@blizzard cmon guys, this issue has been reported constantly in the beta, from the beginning, and now i even brought up the exact origin of the issue. now if someone from blizzard could just acknownledge that issue and give a statement whether this is getting fixed or not at all, that’d be great.

because i grow really tired of digging around in issues and reporting them and not even getting a bluepost response for months.

i dont see me sinking more hours into troubleshooting your mess if blizzard cant even get a simple forum post in bugreports or troubleshooting threads, when you get the problem served on a silver dish.


micro stuttering all game long, random crashes and lock ups, the game feels incredibly unstable with reforged graphics on my amd laptop :frowning: i haven’t tried old graphics yet, i’ll see if that helps…but the constant little lock ups and micro stuttering at the start of every match and building, scrolling etc with new graphics on, only to get disconnected at the end of matches i was winning and sent to back to the battle.net launcher or logged out of my blizzard account.

I have the same issue guys. I got big lag spikes when playing matchamking, it freezes for 1/2 seconds.

Also main menu is working very bad. Like in 5 fps. It was fixed 2 patches ago, but they don’t manage to release it?! What the hell!

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im running rx 480 my fps after driver update its more than 140 fps. on ryzen + rx 480

And still no Bluepost about this?

Were reporting those AMD issues SINCE BETA LAUNCHED?!


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It’s just ridiculous. I refunded immediately after realizing that the performance was the same as in Beta. It’s simply unacceptable to not be able to play with a 5700 XT/Vega/<put your AMD GPU> flawlessly.

The fact…

Points towards this being an AMD driver issue that AMD must fix. Blizzard cannot help it if AMD is doing something funny with their drivers which cause them to underperform.

Some more infos from me:
i changed all the graphic details to low and lowered the resolution from 25601440 to 19201080. the micro stuttering is reduced, but its still there.
the used memory of my gpu is reduced from about 2.4gb to 1.6gb, but my card has 8gb…

the game is still not playable, even with the lowest details…
this has to be fixed immediately.

that’s of course also a possibility but I also have 140fps constantly, thats not the problem. the problem is the micro stuttering which makes the game unplayable.
When building or clicking the mini map, it stutters for a milisecond.
thats the problem.

Ether way, AMD or Blizzard has to fix this issue.

I dont mind who has to fix it but it has to be done! In my case its not really micro stuttering… its more like 100fps and instant drop to 0 fps for 1sec and this every 10 seconds.

Hey guys i’d like to add my two cents. I have an RX 590 and playing on 1080p 60hz.
After latest driver i had no micro sluttering and in general the game is far more fluid than it was in beta. However i noticed that during the game if i destroy a neutral building the fps suddenly drops to 10 for like a couple of seconds. Same situation with Thrall’s ultimate ability and sometimes with the open flames like braziers.
However i turned completely off AMD adrenaline for Warcraft.

Oh, in my case this ability - Earthquake - drops fps from 150-160 down to 30ish xDxDxDxDxD xdxd. Btw, try to move camera with minimap fast enough, in 90% maps/campaings ull get that same fps drop like when u destroy building :slight_smile:
Latest driver mb give some fps boost, but stuttering is there.

The funny fact is they have solved this problem in beta 2 patches ago…I have no idea why this problem came back. And the worst thing is we are not going to have any info from Blizzard addressing this issue…

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I played beta not that much (exactly because of that stuttering) 3 times i guess, with brakes about 20 days, and that problem was there from the first play of beta to release.
It was considered as “Users with AMD Graphics cards will experience performance issues” in known issues list, and it havent made it to Fixed issues list. So, i think, in the best case problem is on its way to solution, or in the worst case - just skipped (by blizzard or amd it doesnt matter rly)

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