Warcraft III Reforged Version 1.32.3 Patch Notes

still need three months.
At this rate I would say 6 or 9 months.

So you are quality checking a fan building something for the game he loves?
Donā€™t ever compare pad to developers please.

Well done to them. They have been and are doing what they are paid to do. Do you want us to applaud them for their jobs?
Donā€™t get me wrong I am not blaming the developers here. I donā€™t know who is responsible for this failure but I know there must be one.

And Kaivax pinning this post got me annoyed. If you are reading this Kaivax, stop pinning others posts and reply yourself. There are a lot of questions here waiting for answers.


the team is prioritizing delivering features like Ranked Ladders, Profiles, Clans, and Custom Campaigns.

like the old game that was released 2002? :face_with_monocle: :rofl:


Please tell me this didnā€™t break the game saves again, I had a save on last RoC undead campaign mission with 2 min left on hard difficulty, I still need to finishā€¦

By the way, I hope weā€™ll get profiles with legacy accounts connection before end of April, because legacy accounts are meant to expire 3 months after Reforged release (or after last connection?), and we still donā€™t know what this means if we canā€™t see it on profile.

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ive been trying to stay positive, but its seriously so damn hard. we really need ladder. everything else can follow.


That was with the old server infrastructure. They are literally having to create the feature from the ground up to work on the new server infrastructure. Algorithms and the like might not be suitable to be ported from StarCraft II due to how different Warcraft III is.

I mean they both use data centres and are both rts games, thereā€™s no peer to peer or anything like that, they seem pretty similar on paper.

Balancing 3 races vs 4. Having to deal with RNG (SC2 had none).

What happen whit the save file ?:frowning:

You were talking about infrastructure.


but a man like w3pad can do that in one week?


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Blizzard at least has some quality assurance.


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Just bring the old warcraft 3 back, it had everything like custom campaign,profiles,clans and everything. Donā€™t release such patch notes because these fixes should have been when the game launched at the end of January. And next time you release patch notes donā€™t say soon or are still in development because that is just a excuse for being lazy. You are making yourselve just more work and we are losing our patience because ladders, Profiles, Clans and Custom Campaign should have been there from the start. AND BRING OLD WARCRAFT 3 BACK.


Oh by no way i was saying how much time it overally needed. it was just ā€œminimumā€

I personally disagree with their graphic overhaul towards realism and super detailed models for an RTS game that is actually going to keep biting the games back for a long time in terms of performance issues.

But that aside, functionally game needed another year for sure.

And even if then the Campaign would have still not having those cool advertised stuff, it would have given time for them to radically improve upon the gameplay flow of many missions, unique heros with campaign exclusive spells. greatly improved terrain lay out design. (not graphics). because for me they didnā€™t really do anything above and beyond to validate a replay.

I liked Sc2s campaigns more then War3. but with the potential War3 had i was hoping it would blow Sc2ā€™s Campaign out of the water, and again, not in terms of cutscenes. it didnā€™t do that by any stretch of the imagination.

But whatever, community can make Reforged campaign remastered.

But, all the other issues and mountains of bugs means after year they would simply catch up, then next year they would look forward to new things.

Which is just a shame. but whatever.

Item stacking is completely broken! No items are stacking at all!

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Thereā€™s still no option to use the original german voice over instead of the crappy new one


no profile no clans no channels no new menu for WARCRAFT REFORGED NICE JOKE LONG LIVE CORONA :smiley:


I wanted to have at least one thing fixed - gates!
Playing with Asia or US from Europe with 500ping is just POINTLESS.
Then stats & profiles. I donā€™t think itā€™s much? (especially it was already there for 20 years)


No profiles or stats or a competitive ladder? Guys that is a must!!!


He is somehow trying to justify the ā€œfailureā€ by referring to what have been done in past 2 years. And Kaivax pinning his post.
Donā€™t expect a consistent reply.