Warcraft III: Reforged Patch Notes - 1.32.7

Keep up the good work :+1:

LOL this patch literally made me laugh. ActiBlizzard is buying their private jets with the cash grab called Warcraft III: Refunded. If you haven’t refunded yet then you’re encouraging them.

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I am happy that you guys are updating the game still.
I d like to suggest to split your priorities and let higher scoped patch work to leak into these smaller patches as well. I.e. include an important change in every patch, especially since you patch so rarely.

  • include some community maps
  • tweak a hero
  • fix an important graphical aspect - portraits animations still look stiff as my morning coffee cup.
  • remove new sounds, they suck, can t believe that is so hard
  • add a = one nice new skin for a hero
  • etc.

This is to give us something, and not make us feel like the game will be ready when we re 90 and with grandkids.
Love to you still trying.


Hero skins would be nice

Now please, remove that AT feature where At players can find RT games.

lol… 20 year old game still botched 6 months after it’s delayed “remaster”

Blizz clownin hard


still no custom campaigns I see. Well, I’ll simply wait another six months untill it’s done, otherwise no money from me;)

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So let me get this straight. Every other game out there in 2020 has cloud saves. Hell even all PS4 and Xbox games have cloud saves. And you honestly can’t implement that as a feature of your game?

Way to thumb your nose at your client base blizzard. Seriously, are you trying to take a page out of EA’s books and become one of the most hated game developers?


bold of you to assume they’ll continue support next year

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Rip Warcraft3


What about… the mythical reconnection button?^^
I guess this would require to reforge the development team before the game^^


Is that real??? I cant see any signe of a plan for you. The game is unplayable on bnet! ALmost everyone is maphacking! Your so called remastered version is a joke! If i could i would charge you to releasing one of the worst games period. You dont care fort he players! You dont care for balancing! You dont care for cheaters! All you care for is sellling this mass! But please dont make any commercials with content you cant provide! Alls the cinematics are not involved in the real game! You are cheating the customers! Thank you Activision for this big betrayel!!

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I feel you bro, but about cheaters etc, i’ve played quite a lot of games and i can’t say i met one…i think the community is too mature for that kind of nonsense, but maybe i am wrong. In many cases anticipation of well known strategies might look like mh, but it’s not.

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So where TF are the clans, profiles, laddering system, stats, mmr, at? you guys ruined a fine 20 year old game. you guys didnt remaster anything. you guys degraded. fix it. asap!


Ok, I confess! For 1/2 months after launch, I was pretty much supporting Blizzard with the release of W3 Reforged. Yes, I was unhappy with some of the things they released, mainly the …state of “the things” , but I was sure we will get most of the features ( including Ladder ) and fixes in no more then say … 3 months or close to, after release.

But now we are at about 6 months into release, and the main features are still not present. That … is pathetic Blizzard. It shows, you just released the game with the “whatever” mindset.

You REALLY have to release AMAZING games, xpacs, etc in the future in all your games, not just W3, in order to get back (not all) the trust from your players, including mine.

Also a change of attitude IS necessary.



I almost feel like the devs are stuck in the “NEXT TIME!!!” mentality.

Like, okay, this patch sucked, BUT THE NEXT PATCH IS GONNA BE GOOD! …and then the next patch comes and it’s not good. The dev team is stuck. They did good with their dev update talking about their plans, but then everything stopped again.

Let us see something! Show us you’re doing this game right. Where’s this road map and stuff? Don’t wait until the next major patch which could be 3+ months from now. The point of a road map is to give us a HEADS UP of what things are coming and what’s being worked on and maybe even some timelines?

Don’t wait! It’s already late!

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I have it in registry but it not work

And still high ping games happen in matchmaking… it just makes no sense to play games with 250 ms when you play from Europa vs someone from America or Asia or whatever… I leave those games instantly cause they just make no sense to play. Thought this should be fixed already that the high ping games should not happen too often?! Feels like i get those in 2 out of 10 games.

Can you upload a screenshot of it there?: https://imgur.com/upload

And maybe the folder _retail_ was created now ( if it didn’t exist already before) and you might have to put the mod files inside of it.