Warcraft III: Reforged Known Issues -- Version 1.32.9

There’s a seemingly random crash in certain custom maps (I’ve noticed it in Vampirism Fire, Hero Line Wars, and Vampirism Speed, but hive said it’s pretty common in other maps too) where about 3 people crash instantly as soon as the lobby starts, before even reaching the loading screen. The issue happens a lot, to the point where it’s almost impossible to play a full lobby where no one disconnects.
It is very difficult to test, since even when you start the same map again with the same people who crashed last time, it might not crash for them again.

yep - same issue was about to report then saw you already had. Honestly though, this is one of the only bugs I’ve actually experienced so I must be lucky

.What is the best AMD GPU driver ? I was testing everything from 19.12.1 and sometimes I got some improovements in the stabily, but game will freez/crash after all.

using AMD RX 590 8GB

Thx for the help

I just started playing the campaign and on the second mission the peons are invisible and only selectable through the “idle workers” button

Can you elaborate on that? Kicked from lobby? Lobby self closes? Game gets hung up when stated?

is anyone looking into these kind of issues? i see them listed no-where:

Deberíais hacer con “WarCraft III Reforged” (cumpliendo lo prometido y mas) lo mismo que EA-BioWare va a hacer con “Anthem”… “Anthem” se hace un “No Man’s Sky”… a partir del minuto 07:00… el siguiente vídeo os lo aclarara…

Oye mira 4 cosas - Esqueletos Bicéfalos Hackers en RDR2 online, Anthem se hace un No Man’s Sky

Posibles mejoras en este enlace y en lo que este contiene:

Most if not all bugs from beta are still in the game… goes to show what kind of effort was put into doing the game… shameful. 2 months of pros giving feedback and they didn’t even fix the color bug which was there from day 1…

Sound issues wer pretty much fixed in the latest patch, but at least Frost Wyrm sounds aren’t working.

I still get the Defeated message after loading a campaign and some times at the chapters with interlude.
Can you fix the movement of a group army because its verry annoing it doesn work at it should be, the ranged units sometimes get ahead of the mele and other times the mele go too ahead of the rest of the group and sometimes the movement path its not right


Try starting rexxar campaign before the patch then spend like 3 hours in it and then have all that progress lost because the patch broke the map and it is not possible to recover the old one. Nice job blizzard. Now give me my refund please.

Please allow cheats on offline mode, when your enemy is the computer, only.

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Still no change to the below issues that i have reported at least 3 times
Custom games in offline mode are non existent
Custom Campaigns Non Existent
Cheat Code use in offline mode Non Existent unless in campaign.

only one way to play against the AI in offline mode and that’s with LAN.
the AI is overpowered, as i get my rear end kicked in the first 5 minutes. not playable!!

if I wanted to be harassed and bullied by bloody Elites E-Sport players or Elites E-Sports wannabe’s and kicked out of games for “not being pro” i be playing Starcraft II Ranked, not a game i loved to make maps, and play against the ai on. offline mode is useless unless you want to get your rear end kicked by the ai with in the first 5 minutes of the game, only 1 things is playable in offline mode and that the Campaign!!

This game should not have these type of bugs, glitches, and missing things. if you had not rushed it’s development and just kept us up to speed most of us might have been understanding. Game breaking bugs are not OK. Fix Warcraft III!!!

I am sorry but until you dev’s start to take this game seriously and make these fixes and and bring things that the Classic had back I will not being buying any more of your companies products including WoW time. I will take my money to Star Wars the Old Republic, and Elder Scrolls online, who have yet to disappoint me like you have.

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There is a bug in Night Elf Campaign missions Wrath of the Betrayer and Balancing the scales: after a lightning weather effect unit life bars disappear in addition to disappearing skills descriptions. When lightning strikes again everything comes into normal.

The game is really bad. I want to finish the campaign and delete it for good. But you make it impossible because save games become obsolete afetr every patch.

I just started the rexxar campaign couple days ago and I was just about done the first chapter and boom. update came out and ruined the save. This needs to get fixed. I click on load save and just closes the menu with no action. Happens every update and it can get super frustrating. literally every save I have is no good.

I am also wondering why on Azeroth is Malfurion riding a deer in a Reign of Chaos campaign if he got one in the Frozen Throne?

In Swamp of Sorrows, the creep camps around the middle that were guarding either a goblin merchant or the mercenary camps. The buildings were invisible and unable to be used.

Please fix custom games.

I think massing towers/ Summoning unit with dark portal rain of chaos in custom games near bridge also cause game crash…

Some custom models used in some custom maps causes crash too…

Like I think maybe some missiles between reforge/classic distance is different causing desync as well.

the custom map Evolution tag is having a lot of desync issue. classic/reforge

Is Blizzard planning to change a random death knight model? DK and Arthas in the original looked LIKE. Not the same. DK at least had a goatee. Now they look the same. Laziness?

and again my new saves are useless. even ones made after the update. wish i could get my money back :frowning: