Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

Seriously?? Who are you kidding Blizzard? You cut these because you can’t be bothered putting the money into this game or the effort. You promised that you would put in-game cut scenes into the game yet you failed, you’re NOT trying to “preserve the spirit of warcraft 3” you are trying to preserve your dwindling budget you have for games now. This is a disgrace to myself and all warcraft 3 fans. How many times will you fail this community before realizing it? ADD IN GAME CUT SCENES, GIVE US WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD.


Glad I got my refund when I did for the spoils of war addition. Good luck Blizzard killing Diablo 4.

They cannot. In the map editor, it was visible that they were trying to do this (traces remained) in the form of setting scenes to cameras - but could not do it. The cameras do not work as they should.

The thing is that: Demo 2018 was made on the engine of another game - Starcraft 2

the product you gave us is a disgrace to all the hard work the old crew spent on making warcraft 3. you are disgusting. bring back portraits clan the old chat channel ui.


This does not pass the BS test - we can smell the rat!

The real issue was changing the story to align with WoW. Nothing to do with making new cut scenes. This has everything to do with saving money and nothing to do with player feedback.

You advertised it, you are still advertising it and now you expect people to buy this poor excuse? We won’t let this go!

Second, how hard is it to offer two options when starting the campaign?

Classic: campaign as it always has been 100% original

Reforged: updated as advertised

Again, you are using some BS excuses to avoid actually having to do what was advertised. No one is buying your lies Blizzard…do what is right and get on a add the Reforged campaign!


So basically:

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There is no desire to spend money and create something great . Only make easy money.


Wow, it’s almost like it was false-advertisement then.

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No one’s implying. We’re straight up saying that it’s that bad.

After reading this post I was only more afraid for the future of this game I asked for the refund

All announcement on the BlizzCone - was a false advertisement.
They show to us Starcraft 2 with models from Lemon Sky.

This can be done in the Starcraft map editor in 1-2 weeks.
And we still see screenshots and a trailer from engine SC2 the main pagе WC3R. XD


the product you gave is a disgrace to all the hard work the old crew spent on making warcraft 3. Bring back the old chat channel and lobby ui… disgusting new reforge bnet is clone of the diablo 3.


So cute. Very, very cute. But will you remove the video advertising with fake cinematic (isn’t contained in game and not will be, right?) in your official site after this post? Because if you made this point clear, the video is false advertising, an explicit crime that lesure costumers, fooled by you.
Before that, which would be a minimum of dignity at the moment, it’s impossible to trust in any promise of this falling company that forgot your fans. You’re destroying every thing that we liked in you. Current Blizzard is so far from the Blizzard that we grew up admiring…
I’ll not buy anything that this company launches anymore. I was very hyped for WC3 Reforged and Diablo 4. Now I’m only sad because I know they have high chances to be a total disaster. Bye, Blizzard. It was good while you cared about deliver great games, that fascinated, true masterpieces.


Yes because paying now for something to be removed and brought back later is totally acceptable

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How about keeping what was advertised and just release a quality finished product instead of rushing it out. Now I am here messaging a reply to a CM that does not deserve this but they are the messengers and with this launch you have lost a lot of fans and damaged your brand. Hope y’all get a redemption arc, I really do…


Only a question, can we get a customization of keybinds in-game plz??? using the .txt method is annoying, really annoying.


So really you’re addressing the bare minimum but most concerns and issues seem to just be ignored.
Glad I refunded. I’m done with Blizzard


At the end of the day, after all the things that was messed up, i was at least hoping to play campaign. And then i heard new russian Arthas voice over. Jesus, what a nightmare. And i don’t even have an option to turn on old voice over. That was painful.

Look I love your company in all but look at this. Bugs I can understand its like a hydra. Cut one head and two more head will spawn. its a pain to dealt with…But main problem with this game is broken promises that really upset lot players. I didn’t expect cinematic updates for WCIII because there like 8 of them and there no way you could update all of them. But when you said have cool update cutscenes like you had shown us with Culling of Stratholme scene at Blizzcon 2 years ago people like me just preorder. after people played this game, they felt betrayed. I haven’t got to played this game yet but I have not going to ask for refunded. (Because I liked the mount) this is your final warning, get your act together or you could lose your company. Already people are not happy with WoW BFA expectantly with N’Zoth’s death People hated Diablo Immortal because no like playing Microtransaction mobile phones games here in the US. What worst of them all, you bend the knee to China with censorship and banning a hearthstone player because wanted Hong Kong to be freed, the outrage was so bad that even got congress involved. So, we all know that Q1 starts tomorrow and it might be ok, but we all know that Q2 is going be a disaster. Just focus on community give them what you promise them and I grantee that will continue to do business with you…but its going be long road for you to regain their trust. Just think this carefully and plan your games carefully. I don’t want to see this company idk what I do without blizzard’s games.

Classic Activision…basically a paragraph of BS and twisted lies disguised as excuses.

I can understand fans not wanting the written story to change but not updating cutscenes is absurd…very few people would have wanted that outcome.

Smells of pure greed to me!