Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

You should have ended this statement here.

This is to be expected. The people who complain about this have always complained not getting in right away….I’m use to it from the Vanilla days of WOW.

Now this is an interesting point to bring up. This is not an integral part of Blizzard DNA, its an integral part for those of us who grew up with Warcraft series. It is what made us fall in love with RTS games. So, if you claim its part of your DNA, then the amount of effort, time and energy should have reflected it. Did you expect anything less from people who have played the original game for over a decade?

Thank you. Again, bugs, while annoying, is expected.

Never did the whole ladder thing, but again, thanks for addressing this.

As someone else has posted, it was very buggy; yet Blizzard never did anything to correct it.

Really? So by downgrading the cut scenes, you are trying to stay more true to the game? I’ll call you a liar right here. How about the real reason now? You did not want to invest the time and money to give us the upgraded cut scenes to give more life to the game, and instead cleaned up the ones already in place. I would have been okay with that, but during Blizzcon, you folks made it out to be that the new cut scenes were going to be a big thing. I’m more disappointed and upset that you are still showing the video of the high-end product that will never come to be. You should have been straight forward with us from the beginning.

Things you should have addressed, but instead of letting people vent, you are shutting up, which is only going to continue to flame this fire.

Denying all refunds

Banning Players for getting around your BS way to deny refunds

Copyrighting everything

Blizzard, I’m going to say something that most people do not want to admit to themselves, but frankly, someone must check you on this. You have surpassed EA as the biggest douche in the industry (and after Battlefront 2….this took some serious effort to accomplish). You folks have become the new pinnacle of what not to do to the community that built you up.
Perhaps one day you will return to the days of gamers making killer games for other gamers (the group that would have hired or bought the DOTA idea and given props for it, instead of the giant corporation that is now copyright happy)…but the truth of the matter, that is just a pipe dream. Bad idea, after bad idea, you no longer care about your community. At least you will now get your wish to push your mobile idea to the next generations.


Lying scum. The new cutscenes were one of the MAIN selling points of the game, being one of the first features announced with the game.

Now you’re just going to go back on that and say “well actually we never wanted nor planned on doing that to preserve the original spirit”, so why even mention it in the first place?

To get pre orders. Every lie you’ve crafted was intentional; you NEVER planned to fulfill ANY of the new features that were announced, you only announced them to guarantee sales.

Disgusting. This is basically a nothing-post. No resolution to the real issues. This isn’t activision, this is all on blizzard.

Don’t think the community will just forget this; this is a permanent stain on blizzard.


I don’t really have much of a problem with not keeping RoC parameters around; however the tournament feature I do. Did you guys really not expect that there would be a significant influx of new players with the release of Reforged? I think it’s pretty obvious that with more people potentially playing standard multiplayer games that this feature would see renewed use.

wow did you guys even bother reading anything or just decided to put out a typical bs PR response? Not only did you guys 100% false advertise your game and continue to do so on your website, you released a dumpster fire of a product in every way and you FULL on knew what you were giving us. The game looks like absolute trash, the visuals are beyond embarrassing , on top of that the game runs like crap, the cutscenes are choppy, not fluid and clearly rushed, the character models are jokingly put together some look like there faces were ran over by a car…

At this point i can no longer TRUST anything blizzard does anymore, fooled me twice so fool on me but blizzard is dead to me, tired of false promises, false hype, and unpolished releases, time and time again i hear the commitment speak from blizzard and time again the games turn out worse and worse…


How was Disney California adventure and taking Friday off?

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Yeah I really dont like their excuse. The opening cinematic that was completely redone? guess what, it looks amazing and still heald true to the origninal. Thats how we wanted all the cutscenes. And if people wanted to see the original cutscenes as they were? guess what, you could have just left classic wc3 on their computer alone and they could go back to old cutscenes whenever they wanted.

Well put. They are trying to gaslight us and it isn’t working this time.

Brack and Kotick should resign. Preferably both.


There’s a limit to how much they can rubout on the hope and loyalty of their fans.

What a complete half-*** response. You (Blizzard, you) still refuse to take responsibility for anything you’ve done wrong and now you’re playing off what is currently available in the game (WC3 Reforged) as if it’s a benefit, even though you scrapped half the original features. FFS Blizzard… We used to love you. Now you’re just another scummy corporation. It’s sad, and disheartening.

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You clowns lie your asses off for two years and you think this ‘response’ is somehow adequate.

You dont deserve any trust whatsoever.


This doesn’t even begin to address the problems with Reforged’s campaign quality. Some of the cutscenes where animations and spell graphics tied to those animations played are simply not present in Reforged. Mal’ganis dying, Medivh transforming, etc. etc.

It’s an unfinished rush job. There’s 0 belief in my mind that any heart and soul went into this product.


Could’ve communicated this better.

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This response is the epitome of smiling through gritted teeth.


The only way they will listen is if we answer with our wallets.

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The Blizzards team loves warcraft 3 so much they outsourced the art updates to a different company. Sick play


You are making excuses for a horrible release. Die hard fans already had this exact game-with more features-on their battle net account. If they did not, they weren’t die hard fans. I wanted what was shown at Blizz Con and was very happy it was being reforged. I played the original often and I was a huge fan of the game so I squealed with delight to see an updated version. What I did not want to do was pay so much for a graphics overhaul. This was lazy on your part. Release what was advertised and not what you are excusing as die hard fan request. Let them play the original with the graphics updated if they want that feel. Give everyone else what you advertised.

You broke my hopes with this, not that anyone needs to care. I once had issues with Battlenet realID and posted my thoughts on it. A Blizz community manager actually called me to make sure I knew they were listening and my voice mattered. It made me fall deeper in love with your company. This release and the Blizz attitude with it makes me realize it’s time to think about breaking up. And at least take a break. No more preorders for me, that’s for sure. Some of us still remember the dance studio promises.

You are still advertising 4+ hours of reforged cut scenes. Might want to change that.

They won’t even do that. They will just say there isn’t a viable market for strategy games in 2020 and focus on leeching money from whales in their other games.

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Dear Blizzard employees, stop apologizing to people that will never ever be happy, you are not doing any favors to the company or the game, you are only looking weak.

Blizzard take a look at this post that i made and maybe you can actually answer something about your advretised game .

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The lighting in the unit icons (in game) is pretty bad IMO. Is this going to be adressed?

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