Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

As where? where they should be. On the engine of Starcraft2. Or did you think in 2018 you were shown a Warcraft demo?


Disgusting and disgraceful.

Yet you’re still on the games forums. Weird.

ERROR HAHAH , lemon sky studio
Animation, Asset Creation, Concept Art, Environment, FX, Illustration, Key Art Creation, Props Creation, UI Creation

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Regarding the whole cutscene thing: What you continually sold this game on, right on the front page was the Stratholme mission. That was on the store page until release. You sold this game on a lie to the people unaware that the promise they bought the game for, a fully revamped campaign isn’t in the game now. And to those wanting to say the the original campaign should be left alone, I agree. But this was supposed to be an OPTION. You were supposed to have both campaigns in place. That’s why so many of us feel lied to and cheated.

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Lol its a pitty

Someone else in my chat group summarized this really well, so I am borrowing it to paste here.

“We decided to not move forward with this major aspect we used to market the game and didn’t bother to tell you. Please understand.”

“We’re sorry you were disappointed, but we take no responsibility.”

“Also, **** you.”

While Activision Blizzard is making some of it right by working on fixes for various bugs… how on Earth was this corporation able to justify releasing such a broken game? In fact, Warcraft III: Reforged (a.k.a. Warcraft III: Refunded) had its release date pushed back once, yet was still this broken? Also in fact, why was it that so many people had actually forgotten when it was going to release? Is the lack of marketing an indication that some people in upper management had an idea of what was coming?

I respect that you were given a message to post, Kaivax. I do not blame you for it. Please pass along that it stinks of condescension, no responsibility taken for the marketing of and the state the game shipped in, and fundamental lack of understanding of the community that has kept Warcraft III going for closing in on two decades. It was a cash grab.

– Yellow Hong Kong

edited to correct grammar


I’m so confused right now. The whole sales pitch from Blizzcon 2018 was "more than a graphics upgrade.

Now in 2020 we’re getting

“…the main takeaway is that the campaigns tell one of the classic stories in Warcraft history, and we want to preserve the true spirit of Warcraft III and allow players to relive these unforgettable moments as they were (albeit rebuilt with new animations and the higher fidelity art).”

I played this game way back in 2002, the first time I bought it… what hell did I pre-order for $40 in 2018?!


The main mistake is that Blizzard began to make a WC3 remaster on the WC3 engine full of legecy code.
It would be much easier for them to transfer the result to the SC2 engine or the Heroes of the storm(Its the same). But no, unoptimized models were crammed into the old game - and they think that it can somehow be fixed?


The game holds your players efforts, Blizzard! What, were you hoping to piss on them one last time before you left this game to rot?

For this kind of response, clearly you are still not listen and talk for yourself only, in a very pathethic way:
“say we’re sorry to those of you who didn’t have the experience you wanted”:
we want to have the experience that YOU sell in advertisments, no some ethereal magical utopic expectations that you are trying to point, so is not a customer fault, is YOUR fault, proofs:

  • Updated UI and rebalanced gameplay
  • Over 4 hours of reforged cutscenes
  • (And RAY TRACING as said it were on develpment)

One more:

“Related to that, as we talked about last year at BlizzCon, we did not want the in-game cutscenes to steer too far from the original game.”

So, in other words: we have done the homework of said that the cinematics will not go, yeah, at nearly the end of the year, still getting preorders by the people that want that all the year, and still keep this $hit on the official website a few days ago :man_facepalming:

Other more:

“and we want to preserve the true spirit of Warcraft III and allow players to relive these unforgettable moments as they were (albeit rebuilt with new animations and the higher fidelity art).”

So, you love so much your game, that it will not change drastically to keep the true spirit?? like this one:


Say the truth, WE CUT THE CINEMATICS BECAUSE THERE ISN’T MORE TIME/RESOURCES… ask to the forum if they doesn’t want the new cinematics, instead of assuming your own criteria, it stinks how you try to look at you were listening by doing 1+ year radio silence and said all this false apologies, don’t throw the responsability in others, as in one interview you said “by players feedback we choose to use green vivid colors to the grass”, yeah, search “grass” and see what people says…

here is the green vomit, that has ZERO variation, compared to an almost 2 dacade game:


Please, look at that grass, do you really think it’s really better??

Arthas chuckles


I may be the minority but I love what you have done. Keep it up!

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Please don’t reforge Diablo 2.


Who cares man, you can clearly understand what his post meant.

Please fix or add advanced settings options for better terrain : trees, grass, units, buildings ( lighting, shadows )! and the animation on the portraits are lifeless, like plastic toys.


So you’re still going back on promises that were on the store page even after launch, still not fixing the UI, still not addressing community feedback, still not apologizing for the real issues let alone dealing with them in any real way, still not fixing the actual problems, still hiding behind BS PR speak, still breaking a 17-year-old game somehow and making it actually worse, and still brazenly admitting that you are NOT going to address the things that were going to be in the game on launch until… well… ever? Got it. See ya.


long life to wc3 original

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It was promised at blizzcon and the cutscenes are still shown as per the current website. It doesn’t matter that you decided to change along the way, everyone bought it thinking that a product was going to come and another one came.
You are forgetting the main thing, this current EULA, with this rule, nobody will want to create a map and it will kill all the map developers that exist until today of the warcraft 3 classic.

Custom campaign …
World Editor update (just like the starcraft2 editor’s great system) …
Cinematics (only the cinematic intro has been reformulated) …
EULA again …


Pls team clasic , your work is suck

Whoa whoa whoa. Stop. First off, I wasn’t going to buy in to the angst and anger. But this; this is a blatant disregard for your playerbase. PERIOD.

Don’t tell us you want to “Preserve the true spirit”. That is true BS. You got caught with your pants down and screwed up. You want to know how we know? Let me tell you…

We know because of your half-arsed apology at the beginning; you apologize the way y’all did only when you’re NOT sorry…for anything.

You apologize the way y’all did when you only want to shut the other person up, when you’re being a a smart-a$$, “I’m sorry you feel the way you do, but I can’t help how you feel”. It’s so offensive, that you really don’t even care, as it’s truly that appearant.

This is a very poor cover-up. You released an unfit to play game, after you delayed it, there was no compensation (unless you count the less than easy to do, appearantly, refund. I didn’t do it because I guess I still have faith in Blizzard, so it’s so rough to see a poorly worded response such as this), we get bait & Switched, being promised something and getting everything promised taken back without so much as a warning (cough cough CUT SCENES), and now this?

I don’t know if this is Activision taking over, but this is NOT the Blizzard we grew up with, y’all.

Go ahead and delete this post if you want, Blizzard. But know if you do, you’ve just proved my point in one fell-swoop; y’all just seemed to have stopped caring about your customers. I’d want a Blue response, however I don’t know that I could even really believe you, after this train wreck of a post.

I’m just so…sad. :frowning:


Don’t forget the lube for Blizzard’s next “release”.