Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

I would not be sure of that anymore.For managers of ActiBlizzard, this event is more likely an indicator that people do not want to play on the RTS I would like to get a strategy with graphics as in Diablo 3.
Blizzard lost her reputation. The only chance to fix it is to call Chris Metzen(and company) back and carefully listen to the advice.

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Any plans on pushing the 2018 UI?

Why do the models look better in the 2018 culling cinematic than they do now? I’m confused

In a nutshell:
you started to patch wc3 again => tournaments got some major joinbugs => people stopped playing tournaments due to the bugs => Blizzard removes tournaments because the players want it so?!?

Are you serious? Integrating tournaments could be programmed easily in 1-2 days.
That’s why the new Balltenet is way worse the the old one. You are cutting everthing off you are too lazy to work on.

Where is the old Blizzard?

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I have zero intention on repurchasing this game. You took everyones money and pocketed it for a game that isn’t worth more than Starcraft remastered, but you charged double the price for. If you aren’t going to be honest with your marketing and keep marketing false cinematics on the official website then I have no interest in putting money into this game. You promised the fans reforged cinematic cutscenes, we wanted that and paid for that. Nobody cares about your late PR nonsense that you didn’t want the cut-scenes to steer too far from the originals, not a single person is buying that BS. Coupled with the absurdity of banning people and flagging any account that seeks a refund for something…this is a PR nightmare and I truly hope you never get out of it because you’ve shown that your loyalty no longer lies to the players or the franchises you create, you’ve shown that your loyalty is purely to false advertising and being money hungry trashbags.

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Forget about it . Demo 2018 and the screenshots on the main page was do on the starcraft2 map.
Deceiving users.

“Blizzard” didn’t even do the art and graphics in-house. It was outsourced to a studio somewhere out in Malaysia. That should tell you everything you need to know about how far they’ve fallen.

Does that sound like the people who made the original Warcraft 3? Or the hacks that churn out a half-assed Call of Duty title every year?


“we wanted you to relive the moments from before that’s why we’re not giving you the cutscenes that we promised” that is the laziest excuse I ever heard. This game reminds me so much of Duke Nukem. It’s half baked, late and it clearly is to chase a freaking nickle.

I don’t know who’s running this circus in the last two years but really it’s not the company I used to know. What a waste.


New and smaller UI, PLEASE. And…Where are those tree movement with the wind (that were on blizzcon 2018)??


How much does activision pay you ? ive checked some of your posts and you are literally whitewashing every mistake blizzard makes even the ones that are impossible to belive you have to be working for activision


Lemon Sky, who have done good work on other remasters. It should be said that contrary to the statements others have made in this thread, Lemon Sky only worked on the graphics.

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It doesn’t matter who they sourced the work to. The important part is that art assets for a game this important (and expensive, for a remaster) were outsourced, period.

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Let me play the game I’ve owned for 10+ years without the new bugs, 30gb of nothing even remotely relevant to me and the absolutely atrocious downgrade to russian voicelines (haven’t heard the english lines yet, but I highly doubt the new ones are a worthy replacement either). And with custom lobbies working the way they have for a bloody decade. Meanwhile I’ll stick to lan and iCCup on my old backup, since you clearly don’t want people to stay.

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Why can’t we flag this as trolling/spam?


Good work on models, textures and animations. But there is one problem. These are terrible models for strategy.
They look good near, and are poorly distinguished when viewed from above.

Perhaps Lemon Sky thought what makes the content for WoW? As they say from Lemon Sky on reddict, most of the workers did not play in WC3 never

Chat doesn’t even auto scroll. And you think Warcraft 3: Refunded is going to get fixed in future patches. ROFL. This game needed to be kept in development for at least another year, and classic client needs to come back. I am SO glad I refunded this piece of **** game


I think when Diablo Immortal bombed back in 2018 and blizzard stocks plummeted they decided to put all projects on skeleton crew and diverted all funding to:
World of Warcraft Shadow Legends

Edit: What I’m trying to say is, that its all you guys fault for not having phones


A lot of players drop out of games. Even with my strong computer I get weird freezes and fps issues. Game get stuck on ‘‘found a game’’ half of the time. No ranked system. Game is not ready at all. Wasted of opportunity and disrespect to your players. Really gotta focus on quality again. It’s not like you don’t have the budget for it.

Going back to aoe2 definitive for now.

Well, it certainly matters to Lemon Sky that they aren’t blamed for things which aren’t their fault (such as everything else to do with Reforged).


So like, when will you allows a revert back to 1.31 and restart the old battlement servers?


And I thought I was good at Corporate speak!