Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update

I feel that you have completely ruined and in many aspects deleted WarCraft 3 Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. For many who have played WC3 for 18 years know this to be true. You also have deleted original background artwork in game. The original developers, writers and composers that worked so hard and took pride in what they created is now gone.

We never asked for a Reforged game, what we really wanted was WARCRAFT 4 ( we know that you can do this ). And what I don’t understand is that you are a multi million dollar company and decided to do a Reforged game instead.

What I miss the most is developers taking pride in what they do with creating a true RTS game with beautiful story telling while incorporating wonderful artwork that perhaps stimulates and encourages the imagination of others…instead, these days it’s all about what’s a good cash grab for the company and how much can we make if we create a new " SKIN ".

I found my original WC3 disk of Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne ( Version 1.07 ) atleast I know that you cannot take that away from me. And we will see if your promise means anything with constant updates and patches.


They’re gonna fix some bugs probs and gave excuses as to why it’s basically a reskin and why some features (like tournaments) won’t be coming back.

I want you to know, in case you ever get around to read this (chances are you won’t, but I need to get it off my chest) that I was expecting to buy this game, I wanted this very bad, as I don’t care for WoW, I grew up with Warcraft and Warcraft 2, I wanted to enjoy this trip down nostalgia lane.

And the reason I didn’t preorder was because, after what the company did with Diablo 3, I learned not to trust you.

This is all about money. About planning for features that someone later decided to cut because budget grew too much. So don’t put this on fans, you didn’t roll back the promised changes because the fans asked you to; we’re angry precisely because this is basically a graphics update.

Sold at $30.

It’s exploitative of your consumer base. Back with D3, you advertised stuff that never made it into the game and here we are today, with the company still advertising features that are not in the game, and you just said they never will.

Blizzard used to be beautiful. I am so, so, so sorry to see you walk this path. It’s a painful shame what the executives are doing to that legacy.

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I will be requesting a refund after this post.

Part of what made WC3 special was the tournaments. Yes, maybe they are under-utilized after nearly a couple decades, but reforging it would bring it back to life. In attempts to make the game better, one of the best features was stripped out, and it’s obvious why this happened, and that’s because the code was pulled from SC where this feature didn’t exist.

Also the whole point of the alternative story was for it to co-exist with WC3, this is a blatant way to save-face for the lack of effort. It’s really sad that 99% of the work put into this was outsourced.

It’s sad to see reforged has made WC3 a worse game by pruning features from the game.

First off, F U. Such a BS excuse as you had ALL the time of the last 2 years to say something and now you will give us updates in the WEEKS to come? Lol ok


Thirdly, F U. Just don’t, you’ve had ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD to make something great but nah you guys needed to $hit something out to get those quarter earning$.

Amung the COUNTLESS F ups you guys have done ever since Diablo 3, just stop and worry about Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 not sucking, btw good luck with that. :joy:


Convenient that you avoided the custom maps policy in it’s entirety.

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I played the demo at BlizzCon, spent quite a bit of time talking to one of the Dev leads at BlizzCon, and played PTR. That being said, many of you are being quite abrasive, and not actually giving any viable, constructive criticism. No game launch is going to be perfect, and if you really care about these games, you would be writing helpful comments. The people who work on these games put a lot of time and energy into it, and most of them are really passionate. Their eyes light up when we talk to them at BlizzCon, and they love what they do. As a long time Blizzard fan, I’m ashamed of some of my fellow gamers, and what they’re commenting. I sincerely hope those at Blizzard who read through these know that many of us do appreciate the work you put in, and although there are bugs to work out, we will be here to test the limits of the game, and look forward to when it’s all smoother out.

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It would be much better for the game if Blizzard would include the cutscenes into the game as was promised at Blizzcon 2018. It would give a new, fresh and exciting spin on the story that was told in the original game. I can think of plenty of moments in the single player campaigns that would make for amazing cutscenes.
For example:
The first meeting of Cairne Bloodhoof.
Grom delivers the killing blow to Cenarius.
Kel’Thuzad summons Archimonde to Azeroth,

And much, much more. New proper cutscenes like the one shown at Blizzcon 2018, involving all major events in the Warcraft 3, would be incredibly healthy for the game and it certainly would make the whole experience much more enjoyable and exciting.


I feel that you have completely ruined and in many aspects deleted WarCraft 3 Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. For many who have played WC3 for 18 years know this to be true. You also have deleted original background artwork in game. The original developers, writers and composers that worked so hard and took pride in what they created is now gone.

We never asked for a Reforged game, what we really wanted was WARCRAFT 4 ( we know that you can do this ). And what I don’t understand is that you are a multi million dollar company and decided to do a Reforged game instead.

What I miss the most is developers taking pride in what they do with creating a true RTS game with beautiful story telling while incorporating wonderful artwork that perhaps stimulates and encourages the imagination of others…instead, these days it’s all about what’s a good cash grab for the company and how much can we make if we create a new " SKIN ".

I found my original WC3 disk of Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne ( Version 1.07 ) atleast I know that you cannot take that away from me. And we will see if your promise means anything with constant updates and patches.

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Now Blizzard was lazy to redo the company’s mission on a new engine.And the old WC3 engine is too clumsy.
They talk about custom games. Pff modders themselves would transfer their favorite usersmaps to the new engine.

They talked about crossplay - but they themselves broke the original client of WC3.
But cunning enough to deceive buyers.
They showed to us a Starcraft 2 WC3 like map on ultra settings. And then they are surprised that users on modern PC can not deliver the graphics shown?

The community here is trying to send a message to the the guys at the top of the chain, everyone here knows not to blame the people working for the company if you havent noticed already. The biggest issues are not the bugs its the false advertising and messing with the EULA killing most of warcraft 3 non reforged player base in one quick sweep. Please read trough all replies to this thread not just one or two that have caps lock on with profanity in it. This thread is full of constructive criticism.

Thanks for this game. Honestly, developers deserve better than this. I feel very bad for them and they put a very hard work to eventually give us that awesome game !
Is the game very fun and enjoyable ? Yes, absolutely.
Is the game finished at the release ? No, but they told us at Blizzcon…
Is the ladder and clan there ? No, they told us it would eventually come at Blizzcon…
Is there a ocean of cry babies out there bashing the developpers for nothing ? Oh, yeah of course, as usual…

Continue your good work, there are a lot out there enjoying the game, we just don’t scream every second like the cry babies… :slight_smile:



This is exacly what I did, step by step. I am not even playing WoW anymore and switching to FF XIV instead. Goodbye Blizz…enjoy your 0.5 in Metacritic and your drop in stock value.

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This crap is unplayable without a reworked UI. Do that and I will throw my money at you.

Well, after reading this I can say I’m glad I got a refund.

Pff. They can’t rework UI. This is not a Starcraft Engine. WC3 Have Legacy Code. To make changes to the main menu, they had to work around using the Chrome browser engine.


So yeah, sorry it’s not what you “wanted” which is basically what you advertised in 2018 Blizzcon. No one is buying the “we want to preserve the true spirit of W3 and allow players to relive these unforgettable moments as they were”. That’s just mediocrity and not really committing to what you advertised and announced in the first place.

So we get a couple of reforged chapters that are almost downgrades visually if not for the new assets (doodads, buildings and so). Silvermoon, Dalaran and Dalaran ruins felt so devoid of life and soul like any average mapper at say Hiveworkshop would’ve and HAVE done a better job terraining those cities.

WE WANT NEW STUFF. That’s what we PAID for. You literally said this was a reimagining of W3 and all we got was a bug plagued game, with mediocre “reforged” chapters, massive amounts of scrapped content not even using the new assets for like Tyrande and Furion on foot. So the cherry at the top of the cake is that you dared even cut out content loved by many like the Custom Campaigns/Maps offline which a lot of hard working W3 content creators were looking forward to. Come on, show some responsibility.


Old game from 2002 - are amazing.
And this remaster broke what worked. And did not fulfill any promises from the Blizzon 2018. This work of Lemon Sky looks like a fan-made set of graphics mode.
Don’t be a shill/ whiteknight.

I’m sorry guys. It breaks my heart, but the Blizzard we grew up with is dead. They would never do this.

This current studio is just Activision with a blue coat of paint slapped on it. :cry:


Fixed that for you.

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